Slime is an enjoyable "toy" for kids and adults alike, and can keep someone busy for quite some time. You can make slime out of many things. If you want to make slime with just cornstarch and body wash, though, it's possible and actually fairly easy to do so.


  1. 1
    Gather the things you'll need. You'll need body wash, cornstarch, a spoon, a large bowl, and a container (such as a sealable plastic tub). Optionally, you can also get water and food coloring.
  2. 2
    Pour the body wash into the bowl. In your bowl, put in as much body wash as you want, depending on how much slime you want to make.
  3. 3
    Add two big spoonfuls of cornstarch. You may have to add more, depending on how much body wash you put in. Then, mix together.
  4. 4
    Add food coloring. Optionally, if you want your slime to have a different color, you can add in food coloring and mix it again. Be careful not to add in more food coloring than you need, or the color will stain your hands.
  5. 5
    Check the texture of the mixture. The slime should be doughy. If it's not, add more cornstarch. You can start kneading it with your hands, if desired.
    • If you want stretchy slime, add a little bit of water and knead in well.
  6. 6
    Knead until the slime is around the texture of play-dough. At this point, you've finished making the slime.
  7. 7
    Store your slime. If you want to keep your slime squishy and stretchy, then keep it in an airtight container.
  8. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can I use shampoo instead of body wash?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes. Shampoo will work just fine.
  • Question
    Can I use cornflour instead of cornstarch?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. Cornstarch and cornflour are the same thing.
  • Question
    How long is it good for?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    I've had mine for six years.


  • Be cautious if you plan on giving this to younger kids. Young children may put the slime in their mouth, which isn't good for them.

Things You'll Need

  • Body wash
  • Cornstarch
  • Large bowl
  • Container
  • Spoon
  • Water (optional)
  • Food coloring (optional)

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Co-authors: 6
Updated: June 3, 2021
Views: 88,832
Categories: Putty Dough and Slime