If you’ve been enlisted to officiate a nondenominational funeral, you may be wondering what’s expected of you. It can feel like a massive responsibility, but rest assured that you’ve got this. You were selected for a reason, and a lot of what you’ll need to do is going to be laid out for you. Still, it’s reasonable to want to prepare and we’ll show you how. In this article, we’ll break down everything you need to officiate a nondenominational funeral or memorial service.


Talk to the family.

  1. Call the family and arrange to meet them, preferably in their home. Meeting them in public is OK in a bind, but if that's the arrangement, try not to meet more than two to three people. If a funeral home is taking care of other arrangements, the funeral directors may have space at the funeral home where you could meet. Invite the family to have other family members and close friends present if they wish, but be sensitive to their needs and to the space considerations.
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Discuss plans for the service.

  1. Let the family take the lead when it comes to what happens at the service. If they have their own ideas about what they want to see done or not done, make every effort to incorporate those ideas. However, don't leave them with a lot of open-ended questions about decisions that they need to make. You are there to help guide them, not to further complicate the process.
    • Take notes. Bring a notebook and be prepared to take many notes about the loved one that has passed away.

Learn about the person who has passed.

  1. Get as much information as you can so you can tell their life story. Be sure to obtain the particulars such as birthday, school information, marriage, work history, children and grandchildren, and accomplishments. Pay special attention to the anecdotal memories that the family shares, especially stories that bring smiles.
    • Ask them if there is music or any special readings that they would like to have incorporated into the service. Encourage them not to pick more than two or three songs, since those can be an emotional overload.
    • Also, let them know that you are available to read poems or letters that they've written in case they find that they can't share on the day of the service.
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Write a eulogy, using your notes.


Conduct the service.

  1. Follow the roadmap you’ve crafted with the family. You may want to open with one of the pieces of music that they've chosen. Then, welcome the family and open with a word of prayer or remembrance. After the prayer, read the obituary as a way to acknowledge the family members that are included in it. Deliver the eulogy.[2]
    • After the eulogy, invite the friends and family to come forward and share their own thoughts. This is a perfect place to insert a song to give them time to think.
    • If no one comes forward, then make some light comment about how difficult it can be to speak at a funeral, and finish by closing the service with prayer.
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Mingle after the service with mourners.

  1. People may want to thank you or chat, so stick around a while. Make yourself available to the family and friends afterward, but unless you know the family personally, you may want to gracefully excuse yourself shortly after and give them space.
    • Work for somebody for six months or at a funeral home if you want to become a funeral director.
    • There may be a difference between your perception of the job and the reality. Many people leave the profession within five years.
    • So it is better to work for some time before you go to the profession.

Community Q&A

  • Question
    I heard there was a legal phrase that has to be said at funerals, is this true?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No, there is not. What the family wants is usually all that has to be said.
  • Question
    Psalm 23 is a frequently spoken prayer at a funeral; what are a few more popular or frequently used prayers?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The Apostle's Creed, the Rosary, Glory Be, Hail Mary, Our Father, and the Sign of the Cross are good options.



About This Article

David I. Jacobson
Co-authored by:
Funeral Home Director
This article was co-authored by David I. Jacobson. David I. Jacobson is the founder of Chicago Jewish Funerals, an independent Jewish owned funeral provider that evolved into two funeral homes in the Chicagoland area. With over 30 years of experience serving families, David is a leading expert on Kavod Hamet, the Jewish traditions of honoring and respecting the dead. David is an active funeral director that serves people planning and in need of funerals, lecturing to congregations, community groups, and schools extensively about the values of the Jewish funeral as well as the dying process and the value of one’s legacy.  This article has been viewed 168,912 times.
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Co-authors: 24
Updated: March 26, 2023
Views: 168,912
Categories: Funerals