Being prepared for a cross country race means that you are more likely to race better and enjoy yourself on race day. Eating and hydrating well, as well as preparing yourself mentally for the race ahead, means that you can put your training into action, which may help you perform better. Preparing for a cross country race also involves sorting out details to make race day go smoothly, and knowing what to do when you arrive at the venue.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Training for Cross Country

  1. 1
    Follow a training plan for the race. The key to being prepared for a cross country race is to consistently train in the months leading up to it. A training plan for beginners usually involves running 2 - 4 miles (3.2 - 6.4 km), 3 - 4 days per week, for 3 weeks. Then increase your mileage after 3 weeks by increasing your weekly distance by 10%, and running 5 days per week.[1]
    • Start doing some hill work and fartleks after you have increased your mileage, around 2 times per week. Make sure that you don’t do 2 hill work or fartlek workouts back-to-back though.
    • Continue building up your mileage slowly until you reach 6 - 7 miles (9.7 - 11.3 km) on your longest run for the week.
    • Continue training until you begin to taper off for the race, and focus on speed intervals once you have increased your mileage to the maximum.
    • If you are working, you could use lunchtimes to squeeze in brief training runs. Before and after work can be used for longer runs, and the weekend can be used for full-distance runs.
    • There are many training plans for cross country available freely online for you to use. Talk to your coach or look online to find one that is geared towards your running ability.
  2. 2
    Run on the same or similar terrain that you'll encounter during the race. If the race is situated away from your home city or state, look up the terrain using Google Maps or read about the place using local websites. Then, try to match the terrain with what you have at home.
    • This helps your body to get used to what will be expected of it on race day.
    • If part of the race involves road running, then do some training runs on roads. If a different part of the race involves running in the woods, then do the same during training.
    • There are often reviews online for larger cross country races. Use a search engine to find reviews, and to read about the experience that other runners have had with the same race.
  3. 3
    Run on hills to train for cross country. Hill training is very useful in cross country races, as it’s unlikely that the gradient will remain the same during the whole race. Pick a small hill to begin with.[2]
    • Hill training once or twice a week works well.
    • Run at an easy, jogging pace up the hill, and then run downhill at your target pace. Make sure that you stay in control and aren't overstriding, and repeat 6 - 10 times.
  4. 4
    Complete fartleks to build your aerobic strength. Fartleks are runs which include both fast and slow segments. Jog at an easy pace for 5 minutes, then pick up the pace and surge for 20 seconds, before returning to your original pace.[3]
    • Your surging pace should be either as fast as you can go, or your top target pace that you are aiming for during the race.
    • By slowing down periodically, you’ll improve your ability to run at consistent speeds during longer runs.
  5. 5
    Use ladder workouts to train your speed. Run at a slightly faster speed for increased time intervals, before working your way back down the “ladder” again. Ladder workouts are versatile, can be done on treadmills, roads, trails, or tracks.[4]
    • An example of a ladder workout is running slightly faster than your target pace for 1 minute, then jog at an easy pace for 1 minute. Next, run slightly faster than your target pace for 2 minutes, then jog at an easy pace for 2 minutes. Repeat this up to 4 minutes, and then work your way back down the "ladder", ending with 1 minute again.
  6. 6
    Taper down your runs in the lead up to the race. Tapering is when you decrease the frequency and duration of your training runs as you approach a race. This helps your body to recuperate and be ready to go on race day.[5]
    • Taper by exponentially reducing your weekly mileage for 1 - 2 weeks before the race. Also reduce the number of intervals and duration you are doing during your training.[6]
    • Although it can feel wrong to stop training as much as race day comes closer, don’t replace the absent runs with other forms of exercise, as this time is necessary for your body to rebuild.
  7. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Eating and Drinking for the Race

  1. 1
    Eat a consistent, nutritious, carbohydrate-rich diet during training. Running requires a lot of energy from food, and eating enough will mean that you can run to the best of your ability, without feeling faint or too tired. Complex carbohydrates such as whole-wheat pasta, whole-grain bread, vegetables, and brown rice are all ideal for runners.[7]
    • A ratio of 4:1 carbohydrates to proteins is generally recommended for runners.
    • Within 1 hour after each run, make sure that you refuel with a carbohydrate and protein rich snack. Some options are a piece of whole-grain toast with peanut butter, or some yogurt with fruit.
    • If you are having trouble feeling fueled for running, book an appointment with a sports nutritionist or dietician, as they can give you tailored and specialized advice.
  2. 2
    Drink plenty of water throughout your training. Having an adequate amount of fluids throughout the training process will help your body to perform to the best of its ability. Water is crucial for your muscles and brain to train and perform.[8]
    • Although everybody requires a different amount of water, 60 oz.(1.7 L) of water daily tends to work well for most people.
    • For every cup of coffee, soda, or alcohol that you drink, match it with a glass of water.
    • Your urine is the best indicator for how well hydrated you are. The more dehydrated you are, the darker it will be, so aim for light yellow.
  3. 3
    Find out the type and brand of sports drink which will be provided. Most races offer a sports drink to runners, and many larger races are sponsored by a particular brand of sports drink. If possible, incorporate this drink into your training so that you can make the most of it on race day.[9]
    • Don’t drink the featured drink if it wasn’t part of your training. Each drink has differing levels of carbohydrates, proteins, and electrolytes. Suddenly introducing these to your system on the race day can cause digestion issues.
  4. 4
    Eat plenty of complex carbohydrates 3 days before the race. Meals such as a tomato based pasta dish, or peanut butter sandwiches using whole-grain bread are ideal. A good proportion to follow is 70% carbohydrate, 20% fat, and 10% protein.[10]
    • Carbohydrates give both your brain and muscles the energy and nutrients that they need to run the race most efficiently.
    • For more variety of complex carbohydrates, try oatmeal or tabbouleh too.
  5. 5
    Consume simple carbohydrates 2 days before race. Fruit, white pasta, or white bread are good options during this time. Avoid simple carbohydrates which are high in saturated fat, such as cookies or doughnuts, as they can slow down your digestion.[11]
    • If you haven’t eaten much fruit throughout your training, now is not the best time to start. All of the extra fiber from the fruit could hinder your digestion.
  6. 6
    Stick to easily digestible, simple carbohydrates on the day before. Foods that have worked well for you during your training, and which don’t make your digestion feel sluggish will work best during this time. Ideally, have your last big meal 12 - 15 hours before the race start time..[12]
    • White pasta with a simple marinara sauce usually works well the night before a race.
  7. 7
    Hydrate the day before the race without overdoing it. Drink water whenever you are thirsty, and with every meal the day before the race. Avoid drinking too much water on the day before the race.[13]
    • Each hour, drinking 4 - 8 oz. (0.1 - 0.2 L) is a good amount to aim for.
    • Make sure that you eat some salty carbohydrates on the day before the race, such as pretzels, to make sure that your body isn’t flushing out electrolytes that you will need for the race.
  8. 8
    Have a light breakfast before the race begins. A meal 3 hours before the race starts helps to slightly replenish your energy stores that you have built up over the previous few days, without feeling too heavy. It should include complex carbohydrates and some protein.[14] Some light suggestions are cereal or oatmeal with low-fat milk, or half a bagel with low-fat yogurt.[15]
    • These are general guidelines, and sticking with what has worked for you before running in the past is best.
    • Never experiment with new foods on the morning of the race.
    • Although coffee isn’t generally recommended before a race as it can harm your digestion, if a cup of coffee is part of your daily habit then definitely include it on race morning too.
  9. 9
    Drink 16 oz (0.5 L) of water two hours before the race begins. Drink water on the morning of the race to ensure that you are well hydrated for the running ahead. Don’t drink water too close to the start time however, as the water needs some time to pass into your system and properly hydrate you.
  10. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Preparing Mentally

  1. 1
    Sleep for 8 - 10 hours per night during training. Sleep is a vital part of running training as it allows your body to rest and recuperate from the difficult workouts. It also helps you to feel mentally fresh and prepared.[16]
    • If you have trouble sleeping the night before the race due to excitement or nerves, having this consistent sleep schedule will help your body to cope well without any adverse effects.
  2. 2
    Choose a mantra for your runs. Having a mantra that you can rely on will help you to keeping going when running is tough. This will be especially useful on race day as you face hills or difficult stretches.[17]
    • A mantra is both something to focus on, and something to help you keep going. Repeat the mantra in your head calmly and steadily, to create a rhythm for your pace or for your breathing.
    • A useful mantra for strength is “Run strong. Be brave.”
    • A mantra for enduring the tough times is “The pain of discipline or the pain of regret.”
  3. 3
    Form a race plan for your race. A race plan determines what your target pace is for each part of the race. A race plan helps to make your running consistent, and means that there aren’t any surprises on race day.[18]
    • Check the elevation and terrain of the course before making a race plan so that it can be as accurate as possible.
    • Race plans generally start off patiently and conservatively during the beginning, and focus on speed during the final mile.
  4. 4
    Get a good sleep the night before the race. This will help you to feel well-rested and prepared on the morning of the race. If you can’t sleep for this long however, whether this is due to nerves or an early start, don’t worry as having a consistent sleeping pattern during your training will help to balance any negative effects.[19]
    • If possible, don’t go to bed too early, otherwise you may wake up too early on the race morning and not be able to get back to sleep.
  5. Advertisement
Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Sorting Out the Details for Race Day

  1. 1
    Pick up your race pack as early as possible. Race packs are usually available to be picked up the day before the race. This will help you to feel calm, collected, and prepared, rather than feeling rushed and stressed trying to pick up your race pack at the last minute.[20]
    • Picking up your race pack early means that you are also more likely to get a t-shirt size that fits you best.
    • Race packs are often picked up from a health and sports expo. Take part in the expo, but try not to walk around too much. You need to save your energy for race day. Also don’t use anything that you purchase at the expo on the day of the race. Save it for your future training and races.[21]
    • You can pick up your bib on the day for many smaller races. See you race details or contact the organisers if you are unsure.
  2. 2
    Lay out your clothes and gear for the race the night before. This will help you to feel prepared and ready on the morning of the race, and will help you to avoid misplacing any gear. Stick to gear that you have trained in, as your body and running style will be used to it, and will run best in it.[22]
    • Dress for 15°F (9°C) warmer than it actually is, as it will feel as though your body is heating up by this much anyway. This will help you to wear clothes that are a comfortable temperature during the race.
    • The gear which you will need to lay out the night before are short, top, race bib, socks, shoes, hydration belt (if you are using one), ID, car keys, and anything else you will need on the day of the race.
    • Pin your race bib to the front of your top, using a safety pin in each corner to secure it. If there is a timing device on the back, make sure that it isn't bent in any way.[23]
  3. 3
    Finalize the logistics for the race day. Make sure that you double check the start time of the race, and how you will get there. Also check where you can park, and if any roads on your route will be closed due to the race.
    • Having all of the logistics sorted before the day of the race will help you to feel calm and confident on the day.
    • Studying the race course map is also an important aspect of the logistics. All races will provide a map outlining the race that you will run on the day. Many of these include where the bathrooms are, where food and fluids are provided, and where the first aid station is. The course map will also show the distances and elevations that will occur during the race.[24]
    • If you live near the course and are allowed access to it, go for a walk to get a feel for it beforehand.
  4. 4
    Check the weather for the race day in advance. If the forecast is warm and sunny, make sure you plan to have a hat and sunblock with you. If the weather looks like it will be wet and cold, make sure you wear layers and bring along a warm blanket for afterwards.
    • Make sure that you have practised running with a shorter stride and watching your steps, if you think that the ground might be icy on the day.
  5. 5
    Arrive at the race venue at least 1 hour early. This gives you enough time to find a carpark, pick up your race pack if you haven’t already, and to use the bathroom. It’s better to have too much time rather than too little, and this will help you to feel relaxed before the race.[25]
  6. 6
    Use the bathroom at the race venue. Digestion issues are common with running, so make sure you use the bathroom before the race to avoid feeling uncomfortable during the race. The lines for the bathroom might be long, so make sure that you have enough time to spare.[26]
    • Many longer races have bathrooms located along the route.
  7. 7
    Warm up with by jogging for about 10-15 minutes. Warming up is essential for getting your muscles ready to run efficiently, as you want to begin the race ready to run your best. A quick walk and light jog sequence will warm you up well.[27]
    • If it’s cold out, you may want to spend a little longer warming up.
    • Doing your regular pre-running stretches during this time will also help your muscles to stretch and warm up.
    • Even if you’re feeling very warm, try your best to keep pants and a shirt on over your racing outfit while you’re warming up. It’s actually ideal to be sweating a little when you shed your outerwear and get on the starting line.
  8. 8
    Head to the start line 15 minutes before your start time. Make sure that you have plenty of time to spare, and that you don’t feel rushed or stressed before the race, and this could harm your running. Having enough time to take in your surroundings and your fellow athletes will also help.
    • This is a great time to do dynamic stretches and stride-outs to finish warming up.
  9. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    What is a good pre-race meal?
    Clare Flanagan
    Clare Flanagan
    Former Competitive Runner
    Clare Flanagan is a former competitive NCAA Division I cross-country runner for Stanford University. She has been running for over a decade, previously having won six Class A State Championships in Minnesota, set a Class A State record in the 1600m, and qualifying for the Nike Cross Country Nationals.
    Clare Flanagan
    Former Competitive Runner
    Expert Answer
    Find the foods that work for you. My pre-race meals were always the same, not just because of the nutrients, but also because those routine meals helped calm my nerves. The night before a race, for example, I always ate buttered egg noodles with Italian seasoning and grilled chicken. It had plenty of protein, even more carbs, and nothing that might give me indigestion.
  • Question
    What do you eat for breakfast on race day?
    Clare Flanagan
    Clare Flanagan
    Former Competitive Runner
    Clare Flanagan is a former competitive NCAA Division I cross-country runner for Stanford University. She has been running for over a decade, previously having won six Class A State Championships in Minnesota, set a Class A State record in the 1600m, and qualifying for the Nike Cross Country Nationals.
    Clare Flanagan
    Former Competitive Runner
    Expert Answer
    If I had an afternoon race, I would eat blueberry pancakes with maple syrup, coffee, and coconut water for breakfast.
  • Question
    How do you breathe when running?
    Shira Tsvi
    Shira Tsvi
    Personal Trainer & Fitness Instructor
    Shira Tsvi is a Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor with over 7 years of personal training experience and over 2 years leading a group training department. Shira is certified by the National College of Exercise Professionals and the Orde Wingate Institute for Physical Education and Sports in Israel. Her practice is based in the San Francisco Bay Area.
    Shira Tsvi
    Personal Trainer & Fitness Instructor
    Expert Answer
    Make sure to take deep breaths and use your diaphragm: your stomach should inflate when you are inhaling. Your shoulders shouldn't be coming up or forward. If you inhale every two steps, try to exhale two steps as well. If two is too often, try to do it every three or four steps—everyone's lungs are different, and when you are training, you should find out what works for you.


  • Never try out new gear such as socks and shoes, or new foods, just before or on race day.[29]
  • Runners with diabetes should consult their health professional prior to carbohydrate loading for race day.

About This Article

Shira Tsvi
Co-authored by:
Personal Trainer & Fitness Instructor
This article was co-authored by Shira Tsvi and by wikiHow staff writer, Amy Bobinger. Shira Tsvi is a Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor with over 7 years of personal training experience and over 2 years leading a group training department. Shira is certified by the National College of Exercise Professionals and the Orde Wingate Institute for Physical Education and Sports in Israel. Her practice is based in the San Francisco Bay Area. This article has been viewed 25,801 times.
3 votes - 87%
Co-authors: 13
Updated: January 15, 2023
Views: 25,801
Categories: Running Races | Running