Dating a Sag? Learn more how about how you can support the archer in your life

Bold, adventurous, and warm, Sagittarius men bring tons of great qualities to the table in a relationship… but that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement! Like every other sign in the zodiac, Sagittarius guys have a few blind spots that might be unaware of—but not for long. Read on to learn a little more about common Sagittarius traits that might be holding you back (and most importantly, how you can overcome them). Is your S.O. a Sagitarrius? We’ve got you covered, too. Keep scrolling for plenty of helpful advice on how you can understand your man and work through difficulties in your relationship.

This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here.

Things You Should Know

  • Sagittarius men sometimes struggle with commitment and compromise in relationships, as well as being tactful, patient, and reliable with their partners.
  • Open and honest communication can help a Sag guy better connect with their partner—as long as they remember to hedge their words and not be super blunt.
  • Work through conflicts with your Sagittarius partner by using “I” statements and practicing active listening.
Section 1 of 4:

Sagittarius's Weaknesses in Love and Relationships

  1. 1
    He’s not a big fan of commitment. Of all the signs in the zodiac, Sagittarius in particular has a real need for freedom and space. While they’re very loving and supportive partners, they often don’t like tying themselves down, and can easily feel trapped in a committed relationship. (In other words, Sag guys can take a long time to put a ring on it.)
    • Example: A Sagittarius man might go on several successful dates with the same person but still feel hesitant about putting an official label on their relationship.
  2. 2
    He isn’t the best at compromising. Despite being a mutable sign, Sagittarius men know what they want and will fearlessly blaze a trail to their destination. But with all this passion and vision, it can be a bit challenging to get him to change directions, especially if he already has a goal in his sights.[1]
    • Example: On their anniversary, a Sag guy might have trouble meeting their partner in the middle and may try to decide how they celebrate.
    • Mutable signs end seasonal cycles in the zodiac and are (typically) known for being flexible and adaptable. Sagittarius is a mutable sign that ends the fall season.[2]
  3. 3
    He’s a little too blunt for his own good. You’ll never have to wonder what a Sag is thinking because they’re honest and direct. But, that might mean that he’s not the best at mincing words. He’ll let someone know if they have coffee breath, or if their English essay reads like a children’s novel. If he isn’t careful, his honest, direct, and straightforward way of speaking may lead to some hurt feelings.[3]
    • Example: When his S.O. asks for his opinion on their outfit, a Sagittarius man will be brutally honest and may end up hurting their feelings.
  4. 4
    He doesn’t like to sit and wait for anything in life. Sagittarius men love action and movement. If an opportunity presents itself, he’ll jump at it boldly and without any hesitation. His biggest challenge is slowing down his natural speed so his partner can keep up.[4]
    • Example: A Sag guy might want to take a spontaneous trip with his partner, regardless of their schedule or desire for planning.
  5. 5
    He tends to get irritated easily. Passionate and honest, it totally makes sense that Sag guys get a little hot under the collar when conversations get tense. When something goes wrong, he tends to react with frustration and anger before any other emotion. Or, he might exit the conversation altogether—generally speaking, Sagittarius doesn’t fare too well with confrontation.
    • Example: After getting into an argument with his partner about household chores, a Sagittarius man might lose his temper and say something hurtful in the spur of the moment. In some cases, he might just exit the conversation instead of finding a resolution.
    • Sagittarius is ruled by the fire element, so it’s no a surprise that Sag’s temper flares pretty easily.
  6. 6
    He isn’t the most reliable. Sag guys are the life of the party—as long as they remember to show up, that is. It’s hard to keep a Sagittarius engaged and focused on a single thing at a time, and it doesn’t take much for him to jump ship and switch activities without much (if any) of a head’s up.
    • Example: A Sagittarius man might promise their S.O. that they’ll hang out on Friday night, only to bail at the last minute and go out with his friends instead.
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Section 2 of 4:

How to Overcome Your Weaknesses as a Sagittarius

  1. 1
    Learn what your attachment style is to better understand yourself. From a psychological perspective, commitment issues are often connected to your attachment style, or the way you typically act in your close relationships.[5] Having an anxious/preoccupied, avoidant/dismissive, or disorganized/fearful-avoidant attachment style may impact your ability to be close with someone in a relationship.[6] Identify your attachment style so you can better understand yourself to make it easier to heal and grow in the future!
    • If you have an anxious/preoccupied attachment style, take time to speak openly with your partner as well as channel your feelings through activities like journaling, art, and music.[7]
    • If you have an avoidant/dismissive attachment style, build intimacy in your relationship through kind gestures (like compliments, gifts, and small surprises).
    • If you have a disorganized attachment style, work to better understand your past and create a full narrative. This way, you can address your past pain head-on, grow from it, and start to heal.[8]
    • Meeting with a therapist can be a great way to conquer some of the natural challenges that come with insecure attachment styles. It also helps to date people who have a secure attachment style.[9]
  2. 2
    Speak openly with your partner instead of making a decision yourself. Start by getting on the same page with them—how do they feel about this? Why aren’t they sold on your idea? Even if you can’t find a perfect compromise, your partner will appreciate that you listened to their concerns and opinions.[10]
    • Let’s that you and your girlfriend are heading out to eat for dinner. You want to get Indian food, while your GF is more in the mood for Thai food. You might compromise by letting her choose the next restaurant you eat at, or by ordering takeout from two different restaurants.
  3. 3
    Think over what you want to say before you actually say it. Oftentimes, the first version of our thoughts just isn’t the best version. Before you say anything out loud, put yourself in the other person’s shoes and imagine how they might react. It might help to ask yourself questions like:
    • Could this be taken the wrong way?
    • Is there a more polite way that I could phrase this?
    • Would I be offended if someone said this to me?
  4. 4
    Build up your patience by practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness is all about taking a step back and observing the world around you. Once a day, take a few minutes to sit in silence and focus on your breathing. Take a close look at what distracts you before settling back into a state of relaxation and observation.[11] Here are a few mindfulness exercises you might try:
  5. 5
    Give yourself a minute if a conversation starts to get tense. Sometimes, tough conversations can get the best of your thoughts and emotions—that’s totally valid! If you’re feeling the heat, keep quiet, excuse yourself for a few minutes, or postpone the conversation so you can clear your head and cool down. You might say:
    • “I don’t want to say something that I’ll regret, so I’m going to step away for a few minutes.”
    • “Can we talk about this later? I’m not in a great headspace right now.”
    • “This topic is really frustrating and upsetting—I’d rather not discuss it right now.”
  6. 6
    Assess your schedule before making any commitments. The easiest, most foolproof way to become more reliable is to follow through on your commitments—the key is staying on top of those commitments. Use a calendar or reminder app in your phone to track any meetings, obligations, and outings you have coming up; that way, you won’t accidentally overbook yourself or spread yourself too thin.[14]
    • If you accidentally commit to something you can’t attend, let the relevant person know as soon as possible rather than leaving them hanging.
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Section 3 of 4:

How to Navigate a Relationship With a Sagittarius Guy

  1. 1
    Give him lots of space throughout your relationship. When it comes to dating a Sagittarius, freedom is key—this sign doesn’t do well with a partner who’s constantly texting them and checking in all the time. If you trust him enough to give him space, he will come closer.
    • Have an open and honest conversation about boundaries with your boyfriend. You might ask “What can I do to make you feel more comfortable in our relationship?” or “Are you happy with the amount we chat and text each day, or would you rather I give you a little more space?”
  2. 2
    Take time to share your thoughts when you disagree on something. Compromising isn’t always an easy or realistic solution for a given situation—but regardless, honest communication is an important first step in any conflict. Give him a chance to explain his perspective and feelings, and then follow up with your own perspective. Once you both know where the other stands, it’ll be easier to find a solution or compromise that works for both of you.[15]
    • Let’s say that your boyfriend just got a new truck that he won’t let you drive. He might explain how he’s worried about the truck getting damaged, while you could explain that you’re hurt by his lack of trust in you. In the end, you might reach a compromise where he lets you drive while he’s also in the car.
  3. 3
    Let him know if he says something that’s a little blunt or hurtful. Sometimes, Sag guys genuinely don’t realize when they say something insensitive—that’s why it’s so important to speak up! The next time he says something that ruffles your feathers, reply with something like:
    • “Oof, this isn’t American Idol! There’s no need to be so harsh.”
    • “I really do appreciate your feedback, but would you mind toning it down a little bit?”
    • “I know you didn’t mean anything by it, but I was kind of hurt by the way you worded that. Would you be okay with using different language in the future?”
  4. 4
    Remind him to hit the brakes when he starts getting impatient. In general, a Sagittarius loves to be in motion and stay in motion. Whether he’s getting a little antsy in the grocery store checkout line or complaining his way through a long car ride, remind him that a little patience can go a long way.[16] You might say:
    • “I know it’s a long wait, but it’ll be over before you know it.”
    • “You survived waiting in that 8-hour long queue for concert tickets—you can make it through this.”
    • Encourage him to embrace his inner child and approach life from a sillier perspective. It’s easier to be patient when you’re in a fun, light-hearted headspace.
  5. 5
    Practice respectful communication and listen actively. A little bit of validation and understanding can go a long way when your boyfriend is feeling frustrated.[17] Make it clear that you’re listening and paying attention to what he’s saying by:
    • Making eye contact with him while he talks
    • Letting him finish his thoughts before speaking yourself
    • Repeating what he said to make sure you understand (“It sounds like…” or “What I’m hearing is…”)
    • Asking follow-up questions (“Would you mind explaining what you meant by this?” or “I’m not totally sure I got what you meant when you said…”)
  6. 6
    Speak openly with him about his unreliability using “I” statements. “I” statements allow you to present your feelings in an open, honest, and transparent way without shifting the blame to the other person (and putting them in the hot seat). Explain exactly how you’re feeling, as well as what you’d like your partner to do in the future:[18]
    • “I feel a little ignored when my texts are left on read. Getting an occasional text would give me a lot of peace of mind.”
    • “I feel like my time isn’t valuable when I wait by myself for 30 minutes at the restaurant. I’d like to make plans where everything goes according to schedule.”
    • “I feel upset when my weekend plans change at the last minute. I would like a heads-up in the future so I can make the most out of my weekend.”
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About This Article

Angel Eyedealism
Written by:
Astrologer & Performance Artist
This article was written by Angel Eyedealism and by wikiHow staff writer, Janice Tieperman. Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings. This article has been viewed 5,885 times.
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Updated: March 17, 2023
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