You might end up sleeping on a couch because you stayed out longer than you meant and your friend said you could crash. Maybe you're traveling, and someone has offered or rented you their living room sofa. Sometimes you end up on your own couch because there are guests staying with you and not enough beds to go around. No matter your circumstances, there are steps you can take to make your couch comfortable and your sleep restful.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Making the Bed

  1. 1
    Rearrange the cushions. If you can, take out the bottom cushions and flip them. This will give you a firmer, cleaner surface on which to sleep. Brush out any crumbs you find. If the back cushions of the couch are detachable, remove them. This will give you more space to move comfortably in your sleep.
    • Line up the back cushions on the floor along the couch so that you have a soft surface to land on if you roll off.
    • If you are sleeping on a couch made of a slippery material, such as leather, make sure you pad the floor with something.
  2. 2
    Pad the couch. Couches are generally made of less breathable material than beds. They might be worn out and saggy in sections. Diminish uneven surfaces and build a friendlier sleep environment by laying down some blankets across the couch. Pick a thick, soft duvet if you have one.
    • If you are crashing somewhere and have nothing to pad your bed with, look to your own belongings. Sweatshirts and sweatpants might work, if you can lay them flat.
  3. 3
    Make your bed. Treat the couch as much like a bed as possible. Cover your lower cushions and padding with a sheet. A fitted sheet might not fit, so try tucking in a top sheet. Place pillows and clean pillowcases at the place you will lay your head. Don't rest your head on the arm of the couch, as the angle will be too abrupt.
    • Couch fabric tends to be cleaned less often than other surfaces, so try to keep something between it and your skin.
    • Use a couch cushion as a pillow if you must, but cover it with something. If you don’t have access to a pillowcase, dress it in a clean cotton t-shirt.
    • If you have no sheets, lay out any soft and clean fabrics you can find. Wear pajamas to avoid contact with the couch fabric.
  4. 4
    Consider cleaning the couch. If you know ahead of time that you will be sleeping on the couch, give it a good clean. You can hire professional couch cleaners, or you can just dust it off yourself. Bring the cushions outside and give them a good whack to get the dust out. Vacuum and brush off any pet hair. Use water and detergent if the material of your couch can take it.
    • Check the tag on your couch to see what kind of cleaning it can handle. The tag may be under the couch next to a leg. It will be marked with a letter that lets you know how to clean the couch.
    • "W" means you can clean your couch with a water-based detergent.
    • "S" means it needs to be dry cleaned or cleaned with a water-free detergent.
    • "WS" means it can be either dry cleaned, or cleaned with a water-based cleaner.
    • "X" means it should be professionally dry cleaned, or vacuumed.
    • "O" means it is made of natural fibers and should be washed in cold water
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Falling Asleep

  1. 1
    Regulate your temperature. Temperature affects your quality of sleep. Even if the room is hot, put a top sheet and a blanket nearby in case you get cold. Consider opening a window or adjusting the heat. A room that is slept in less often may be an uncomfortable temperature, or may be stuffy and airless.[1]
  2. 2
    Make the room dark. Draw the curtains. Wear a sleep mask if you have one, or block the light with a pillow. Living rooms are likely to have blinking screens and LED lights, so consider blocking them from your view with a pillow or cushion.[2]
  3. 3
    Make it quiet. If you are sleeping in a full house, there may be people coming in and out, or noise in the morning. If you own earplugs, wear them while you sleep on the couch.[3] Do not improvise earplugs out of cotton or tissue, as these may become stuck in your ear.
    • Ask the other people sleeping in the house to keep it quiet if they can. Be kind, as you are either a guest or a host in this situation, and owe your guest or host courtesy and consideration.
  4. 4
    Recreate your ordinary bedtime routine. Do the best you can to do everything you normally do before bed. For example, if you normally watch TV, shower, drink a cup of herbal tea, snuggle with your stuffed animal and fall asleep at 10pm, try to do all those things in that order.[4] Do whatever you normally do in your bed on the couch instead.
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Things You'll Need

  • Pillow
  • Blanket
  • Stuffed animal (optional)
  • Sleep mask (optional)

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2 votes - 50%
Co-authors: 26
Updated: May 26, 2022
Views: 115,136
Categories: Sleeping Environment