Magic wands have a rich and ancient history in a variety of traditions, dating back to Zoroastrianism, early Hinduism, and the Ancient Greeks and Romans, among other traditions. Wands are sensitive transmitters of energy that have a variety of uses. When used properly, a wand can be used for healing oneself, enchanting objects, and casting spells.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Preparing Your Wand

  1. 1
    Charge your wand. You can charge your wand by transmitting energy from yourself into the wand. Usually do this through the hands by holding the wand in both hands. Other methods include:
    • Pyramid chargers. Placing the wand in a specially built pyramid charger can give it a strong charge. Pyramids can transmit energy to other items as well, and can send energy over long distances.
    • Natural light sources. Sunlight or moonlight, particularly strong moonlight from a full moon, are also powerful sources of wand energy.
    • Use desirable energy sources. This is often yourself, but be aware that wands are sensitive to other energy sources as well. Since, you don’t want to charge your wand with unwanted energy, protect your wand with a covering. This could be a cloth or a pouch, for example. Black, blue, or purple pouch coloration and celestial designs are often popular.
    • Be careful of depleting yourself of energy when self-charging the wand. If you feel this happening, be sure to draw energy toward the center of your body: upward from the feet and downward from your head.
  2. 2
    Change your wand’s power level as appropriate to its capabilities. For example, if your wand’s magic powers were provided by an herb bag, you may want to keep herbs handy for when you are running low on magic.
  3. 3
    Cleanse your wand periodically. This is a way of ridding your wand of unwanted, negative energy prior to recharging it from a new, desirable energy source. There are a variety of ways to cleanse a wand. Just make sure that whatever method you use doesn’t damage the wand. So, be careful of smoke, fire, and water damage when implementing the methods below.
    • Selenite is a common cleanser. Selenite, often used synonymously with gypsum, is the transparent variety of the gypsum mineral.[1] You can put your wand in contact with selenite for any length of time, and anywhere from a couple of hours to several days is common.
    • Sage smoke is another method. Light the sage, and allow the smoke to circulate around the wand.
    • Flowing water cleanses as well. Holding your wand in a river, stream, waterfall, or other flowing natural water source can wash away negative energy.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Holding a Wand

  1. 1
    Prepare your hands. Rub your hands together vigorously up and down and side to side for approximately 10 seconds or more prior to holding and using a wand. This will open the energy pathways in your hands, which is crucial to transferring energy to the wand.
  2. 2
    Hold the wand in your right hand for most activities. According to most texts, the wand should be held in the right hand while praying or while summoning or addressing spirits.[2] When dismissing spirits, however, hold the wand in the opposite hand. In this way, the wand is a sort of defensive weapon.
  3. 3
    Alternatively, hold the wand in your dominant hand or writing hand. Think of the wand as transferring energy from your dominant hand to your other, receiving hand. Energy should flow from your center, through your arm and hand, and out the point of your wand to the receiving hand.
  4. 4
    Maintain a comfortable grip. Feel around the wand for a comfortable spot to grip it. Listen to the wand to hear how best to hold onto it.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Casting Spells

  1. 1
    Find spells necessary for your wand's potential ability. Try to listen to your wand and become attuned to its abilities. Some say that the wand finds the wizard. When you are in tune with your wand, you’ll know what spells you can cast with it. Common spells include:[3]
    • Love spells to attract love, seduce a mate, or heal a broken heart.
    • Beauty spells. These often encompass height or weight adjustment or improving self-image.
    • Money spells that focus on wealth, prosperity, power, or good fortune.
    • Protection spells to shield someone from negative energy, to protect a home or specific place, and to ward off dark magic, for example.
  2. 2
    Clearly focus your inner intention. This is important prior to using a wand. There are several considerations to take into account before casting a spell.
    • Consider what you plan on calling for--exactly what you want--and think about how this will bring yourself harmony.
    • Determine whether or not your use of the wand will cause harm, and specifically how it will affect others.
  3. 3
    Make strokes with the wand. Strokes are simply the movements that you make with your wand. They are a way of bringing your inner intentions to the external world. Different people use a different number of strokes when casting a spell.
    • It might be helpful to think of each stroke as forming a letter. Some say this is how the word spell came into being—by spelling out your intention with strokes.
  4. 4
    Perform incantations with your wand. Incantations are sung spells. The word comes from the Latin stem “canto,” which means to sing. Incantations put out powerful vibrations into the universe, and entrust your will to whatever higher deity you ascribe to.
  5. 5
    Practice the spells you have chosen to perform. Like anything else, practice is necessary to make a spell work. Sometimes a spell might not come to fruition for a period of years. In other instances, you'll see more imminent results that show your energy manifesting itself in the universe.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:


  1. 1
    Direct your wand toward an afflicted area for physical healing. The wand does not need to touch the area, but it should be pointed away from you and toward the target area. You might make circular motions with the wand and incorporate a prayer, mantra, or incantation. These might include:
    • Meditations or visualizations that ground or focus you.
    • Invocations of a god, goddess, or nature spirit.
    • Prayers about nature and natural subject matter, including seasonal prayers and incantations during a full moon.
  2. 2
    Clear away any physical blockages. Since wands transmit energy, they improve energy flow through the body. This can be applied to breaking down blockages in a variety of systems, such as the circulatory and nervous systems. Clear away blockages by pointing the wand at the blocked area or areas, and focusing your energy and any verbal prayers or mantras that you might like to use.
  3. 3
    Expel negative psychological energy from yourself. In this case, you would point the wand toward yourself. Meditate on the negative thoughts and feelings, and allow the wand to draw them out. You might speak your wishes at this point as well.
    • Reduce stress and nervousness. Wands help clear blocked pathways that help release stress, nervousness, and other negative energy.
  4. 4
    Align chakras and auras. Many people do this while lying down. Run the wand over your body and focus on when and where the wand vibrates. These areas require more attention from the wand. Once the wand stops vibrating, your auras are cleansed.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    How do I know when to use it?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can use it whenever you feel you need to. Listen to your wand, and make sure it's charged though.
  • Question
    How will I know if my wand is charged?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can see it glowing, which means that it's charged.
  • Question
    How do I know if the wand is actually curing me?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    For inside sicknesses: if you are only a beginner, it is only healing you externally, unless you are specially gifted. But if you have a lot of experiences already, and you know how to heal inside sicknesses, you will be successful. For example, I'm healing my grandmother's cancer right now, and she's much better. For external sicknesses: it is healing you if your pain reduces.


  • Do not ever power a wand with hazardous substances because that can cause harm to you and to your wand.
  • Do not use a wand when you are angry. Wands are sensitive to all sorts of energy and will receive that negative energy.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 14 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 107,638 times.
158 votes - 77%
Co-authors: 14
Updated: November 26, 2022
Views: 107,638
Categories: Paranormal Magic
Article SummaryX

To use your magic wand, first charge it by transmitting energy to it through your hands or another source like natural moonlight or a pyramid charger. When you’re ready to use your wand, vigorously rub your hands together for around 10 seconds to open your energy pathways so energy can flow from your center to your wand. Once you’re done, grip the wand with your dominant hand in whatever way feels comfortable. Before you cast a spell, focus your intention so you can be clear about what you’re planning. With this in mind, make simple strokes with your wand to physically express your intention. You can also sing out an incantation as you use your wand to send out more vibrations into the universe. For more information, including how to cleanse your wand of negative energy, scroll down!

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