Sending a package to a business or person you know can be an ordeal, especially if you've never mailed a package before. But as long as you know what to write and where, you can get the package where it needs to be. Take time to study the different elements of your delivery and return address so you can write it neatly and correctly. Check your package for common mistakes when you're finished writing the address so you can catch problems before they delay your delivery time.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Labeling the Delivery Address

  1. 1
    Print or write the delivery address parallel to the longest side of the package. You will want to write both addresses on the side of your package with the largest surface area. This will give you enough room to write the addresses with space between both to avoid any confusion.[1]
    • Do not write your address over a seam in your box.
  2. 2
    Use a pen or permanent marker to make the address as clear as possible. Although most postal services will accept addresses written in pencil, they have a higher risk of fading or rubbing off.[2]
    • Choose a pen with a strong color contrast against your package color. If your package is white or tan, for example, choose a pen with black ink.[3]
  3. 3
    Write your recipient's full name in the center of the package. Putting the recipient's legal name instead of a nickname increases the likelihood of them receiving the package. If they have recently moved, their previous residency can then forward their mail easily.[4]
    • If sending your package to a company, write its full name in this area or email the company to ask who you should address the package to.
  4. 4
    Add the street address directly below your recipient's name. Write the Post Office (P.O.) box or street address. Include any apartment or suite numbers, if relevant. If the address has a specific direction like east (E) or northwest (NW), write it here to ensure that your package gets where it needs to be.[5]
    • Do your best to keep the street address on one line. You can write your apartment or suite number on a separate line if your address may extend onto two lines.
  5. 5
    Include your recipient's city and zip code below the street address. Spell your city name completely and correctly below the street address. If you're not sure how to spell the city, look it up. Add the zip code to the right of the city so your package goes to the right location even if the city is misspelled.[6]
    • Do not use commas or periods anywhere in your delivery address, even when separating the city and zip code.
    • In the United States, include the state between the city and zip code. For international mail, add the province and country alongside the zip code. Research each country's zip code formatting to make sure you include the right one.[7]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Labeling the Return Address

  1. 1
    Place your return address in the lefthand corner of your package. Keep your return and delivery address separate to minimize any confusion. Your delivery address should be centered, and your return address should be separate in the top left corner.[8]
    • Avoid any merging between the return and delivery address.
  2. 2
    Write "SENDER" in capital letters before you include your address. Just in case your delivery and return address are placed too close to each other, writing sender over your return address will eliminate any confusion. Add a colon mark after the "SENDER" and continue adding your address below it.[9]
  3. 3
    Add your address in the same format as the delivery address. Begin with your street address, apartment or suite number, and/or directions on the first line. Follow your street address with your city and zip code.[10]
  4. 4
    Double-check your handwriting for legibility. While both your delivery and return address should be written clearly, the legibility of your return address is particularly important. If for whatever reason your package cannot be delivered, it will be returned to the sender.
    • Place a white label over your package's address and re-write the return address if it is smudged or sloppy.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Checking for Common Mistakes

  1. 1
    Don't use address abbreviations that are unapproved by your country's mailing service. Most mailing services approve street designator (like ST for street), secondary street indicators (like APT for apartment), directional indicators (like N for North), or state and countries (like CA for California or UK for the United Kingdom).[11]
    • Do not abbreviate city names. Spell it out completely to prevent confusion (e.g. Los Angeles, not LA).
  2. 2
    Use the correct zip code for your intended area. Including the wrong zip code can delay your package even worse than writing no zip code. In some cases, your package may even end up lost. Look up the zip code before you write it to make sure you add the right one.[12]
  3. 3
    Re-read your addresses to make sure you've written the right one down. Write your address slowly, as writing quickly can increase the probability of mistakes. Compare your written addresses to the correct delivery and return address. If you notice any mistakes, place a white label over the addresses and write them again.[13]
  4. 4
    Write your address on the appropriately-sized box for your package. Even if you write the right address, choosing the wrong box can affect your packaging and shipping costs. If you're not sure which package is right for your items, ask a postal service employee.[14]
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Should I write my address on the back side of the envelope, or on the front side in the corner?
    Top Answerer
    Both methods are commonly used, but upper-left corner on the front is best from the standpoint of postal efficiency.
  • Question
    My shipping address: 7095 XXX Blvd #755. On the shipping label, should I leave #755 on the same line or use a separate line Unit / Lot #755? Making the shipping address 4 lines instead of three?
    Top Answerer
    Both of those options will work, although including the unit number on the street line is preferred.
  • Question
    How many sides of the parcel to write the address on?
    Top Answerer
    You can place the mailing address on any or every side if you want, but it should definitely appear on the side where postage has been applied.

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This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. This article has been viewed 205,067 times.
76 votes - 71%
Co-authors: 3
Updated: November 29, 2022
Views: 205,067
Categories: Postal System
Article SummaryX

To write an address on a package, start by writing your recipient’s full name in the center of the label. Underneath that, write their full street address, including any apartment or suite numbers, such as “Unit 3105 Long Street Grand Beach Village.” Then, add their city and ZIP code at the bottom. Whether you’re writing the label by hand or on a computer, make sure the text is readable from an arm’s length away. When you’ve finished writing your label, affix it to the biggest side of your package so it will be easy to see. For more tips, including how to write a return address on a package, read on!

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