Gabasheane Masupha[1] (26 December 1903 - 28 January 1941) was the Regent paramount chief of Basotho (modern Lesotho) from 1940 to 1941.[2] Principal Chief of Ha-'Mamathe, Teya-teyaneng, Thupa-kubu and Jorotane. Died 1949; spouse 'Mamathe Masupha (nee. Nthati Lebona). Issues 'Mankhabe Masupha (daughter), Mathe Masupha (daughter), Masupha Masupha (son), Koali Masupha (son), 'Mabatho Masupha (daughter), Sempe Masupha (son), Michele Masupha (son).


  1. Lesotho Times (2012-02-23). "Chieftainship dispute thickens". Retrieved 2014-12-09.
  2. "Genealogy". Archived from the original on 2017-06-30. Retrieved 2015-11-01.
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