Antiviral drugs are different from antibiotics. Flu antiviral drugs are different from antiviral drugs used to treat other infectious diseases such as COVID-19. Antiviral drugs prescribed to treat COVID-19 are not approved or authorized to treat flu.[1]

List of Antiviral Drugs
Antiviral Use Manufacturer Component Type Year approved
Abacavir HIV ViiV Healthcare Nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) 1998
Acyclovir (Aciclovir) Herpes Simplex, chickenpox,[2] varicella zoster virus guanosine analogue RTI 1981
Adefovir Hepatitis B[3] Gilead Sciences RTI 2002 (FDA), 2003 (EU)
Amantadine Influenza Influenza A virus M2 proton channel antagonist
Ampligen Avian Influenza Immunomodulatory double-stranded RNA
Amprenavir (Agenerase) HIV Protease inhibitor (PI)
Umifenovir (Arbidol) Influenza Hemagglutinin inhibitor
Atazanavir HIV PI
Atripla (Efavirenz/emtricitabine/tenofovir) HIV
  • Efavirenz: Non-nucleoside RTI (NNRTI)
  • Emtricitabine: NRTI
  • Tenofovir disoproxil: NRTI
Baloxavir marboxil (Xofluza)[4] Influenza A/B Cap snatching endonuclease inhibitor 2018
Biktarvy (Bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide) HIV
  • Bictegravir: INSTI
  • Emtricitabine: NRTI
  • Tenofovir alafenamide: NRTI
Boceprevir Hepatitis C genotype 1[5] Schering-Plough, then Merck Group Protease inhibitor
  • FDA approved 2011
  • Withdrawn 2015
Bulevirtide Hepatitis D/B Sodium/bile acid cotransporter inactivator
Cidofovir AIDS Viral DNA Polymerase inhibitor
Cobicistat (Tybost)[6] HIV human CYP3A protein inhibitor
Combivir (Lamivudine/Zidovudine) HIV
Daclatasvir (Daklinza) Hepatitis C NS5A inhibitor
Darunavir HIV antiretroviral HIV PI
Delavirdine HIV antiretroviral NNRTI
Descovy (Emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide) Hepatitis B
  • Emtricitabine: NRTI
  • Tenofovir alafenamide: NRTI
Didanosine HIV Adenosine analogue RTI
Docosanol Herpes Simplex Entry inhibitor
Dolutegravir HIV Integrase inhibitor
Doravirine (Pifeltro)[7] HIV NNRTI
Edoxudine Herpes Simplex Thymidine analogue inhibitor
Efavirenz HIV Mylan NNRTI 1998
Elvitegravir HIV Gilead Sciences Integrase inhibitor
Emtricitabine HIV Gilead Sciences NRTI 2003
Enfuvirtide HIV Entry inhibitor 2003
Ensitrelvir COVID-19 Shionogi 3C-like protease inhibitor
Entecavir HIV NRTI 2005
Etravirine (Intelence)[8] HIV NNRTI 2008
Famciclovir Herpes Zoster Guanosine analogue 1994
Fomivirsen AIDS Anti-sense oligonucleotide Anti-sense
  • FDA-licensed in 1998
  • Withdrawn in EU (2002), US (2006)
Fosamprenavir HIV ViiV Healthcare Amprenavir pro-drug 2003 (FDA), 2004 (EMA)
Foscarnet Herpes Pyrophosphate analogue DNA polymerase inhibitor 1991
Ganciclovir (Cytovene)[9] Cytomegalovirus (CMV)[10] Competitive nucleoside analogue dGTP inhibitor 1988
Ibacitabine Herpes labialis
Ibalizumab (Trogarzo)[11] HIV Entry inhibitor 2018
Idoxuridine Herpes dU analogue inhibitor 1962
Imiquimod Genital wart, Basal cell carcinoma, Actinic keratosis Opioid growth factor receptor (OGFr) agonist 1997
Inosine pranobex Herpes Simplex Thymus hormone immunostimulant
Indinavir HIV PI 1996
Lamivudine HIV cytidine analogue RTI
Letermovir (Prevymis)[12] Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Lopinavir HIV
Loviride HIV
Maraviroc HIV entry inhibitor
Methisazone Smallpox
Moroxydine Influenza
Nelfinavir HIV
Nirmatrelvir/ritonavir (Paxlovid) COVID-19 Pfizer 3C-like protease inhibitor (Nirmatrelvir) / inhibition of metabolism of nirmatrelvir (ritonavir)
Nevirapine HIV non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor
Nitazoxanide Broad-spectrum antiviral thiazolide
Norvir HIV
Oseltamivir (Tamiflu)[13] Influenza neuraminidase inhibitor
Penciclovir Herpes
Peramivir Influenza
Penciclovir Herpes
Peramivir (Rapivab)[14] Influenza
Pleconaril Picornavirus Schering-Plough
Podophyllotoxin Genital wart
Raltegravir HIV Integrase inhibitor
Remdesivir COVID-19 viral RNA polymerase inhibitor
Ribavirin Hepatitis C[15] nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitor
Rilpivirine (Edurant)[16] HIV
Rilpivirine HIV
Rimantadine Influenza A M2 proton channel antagonist
Ritonavir HIV HIV-1 protease inhibitor
Saquinavir HIV
Simeprevir (Olysio) Hepatitis C
Sofosbuvir Hepatitis C[17] nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitor
Stavudine HIV
Taribavirin (Viramidine) Hepatitis Syndromes in which Ribavirin is active[18]
Telaprevir Hepatitis C
Telbivudine (Tyzeka) Hepatitis B
Tenofovir alafenamide Hepatitis B
Tenofovir disoproxil Hepatitis B, HIV[19]
Tipranavir HIV
Trifluridine Eyes related Herpes
Trizivir HIV
Tromantadine Herpes Simplex
Truvada HIV
Umifenovir Influenza
Valaciclovir (Valtrex)[20] Herpes Simplex/Zoster
Valganciclovir (Valcyte)[21] Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Vicriviroc HIV-1 Schering-Plough pyrimidine CCR5 entry inhibitor
Vidarabine Herpes Simplex, Varicella Zoster
Zalcitabine HIV
Zanamivir (Relenza)[22] Influenza A, Influenza B
Zidovudine HIV[23] Antiretroviral


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