The Macedonian Anti-Fascist Organization was a Macedonian political organization formed in 1941 in the Voden region at the initiative of the Communist Party of Greece.[1] The organization was headed by Vangel Ajanovski-Oče, Angel Gacev, Risto Kordalov, Dini Papayankov and others. The aim of the organization was, in alliance with the Greek EAM-ELAS, to fight the fascist forces. It was dissolved in 1943.[2]


  1. Благоя Талески „Првата Егејска ударна бригада“, стр. 9
  2. Ајановски Вангел-Оче, Егејски бури, Скопје, 1975; Хр. Андоновски, Македонците под Грција во борбата против фашизмот 1940–1944, Скопје, 1968.
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