The Rentekammeret (English: The Treasury) was the Danish central administrative body responsible for overseeing the public finances from the middle of the 15th century until 1849. The chief officials of Rentekammeret held the title of Rentemester (Treasurer).


The Rentekammer, is first mentioned in the 1550sm although a rentemester is mentioned as early as 1517. At the introduction of the absolute monarchy in 1660 it became a kollegium under the name Skatkammerkollegiet, but in 1679 it was given its old name back.[1]

In 1770 it was merged with the General Customs Chamber (Generaltoldkammeret) and in 1771 became part of the Finanskollegiet, but was revived in 1773 as an independent bodu under its old name. Originally, the Rentekammeret was solely in charge of the state's payments and disbursements as well as accounting audits, but eventually also became responsible for the overall financial and tax policy as well as for agricultural matters, forestry, roads etc. Over the years, however, changes were made on several occasions in the division of responsibilities between the Rentekammeret and other central administrative bodies. In the ministerial reform of 1848, its affairs were divided between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Interior Affairs.[1]

List of treasurers

People with title of Rentemester:[2]

-1495Anders SkrivereExecuted for embezzlement
1517-1520Anders Olufsen GlobProvost in Odense
1520-1546Henrik SchulteGormally only Rentemester in Schlesvig-Holstein but de facto served as Rentemester for the entire country.
1525-1536Christiern HvidDean in Copenhagen
1536-1554Jørgen PedersenOnly Rentemester in Nørrejylland
1537-1547Joachim Beck til Førslevgaard
1546-1557Eskil Oxes til Løgismose
1549-1552Hermann Skeel til Jungetgård
1557-1560Joachim Beck til Førslevgård
1560-70Eiler Grubbe til Lystrup
1567-1575Lauge Beck til Førslevgård
1569-1574Otto Brockenhuus til Vollerslev
1574-1601Christoffer Valkendorff til Glorup
1582-1608Enevold Kruse
1585-1596Holger Gagge til Frøslev
1590-1597Anders Nielsen Dresselberg til Vognstrup
1596-1622Sivert Beck til Førslevgård
1609-1617Jens Juel til Kjeldgård
1617-1627Christoffer Urne til Årsmarke and Nielstrup
1623-1627Axel Arenfeldt til Basnæs
1626-1527Ove Høg til Todbøl
1627-1543Jørgen Vind til Gundestrup (Vrams Gunnarstorp)
1628-1648Steen Beck til Førslevgård
1640-1648Melkior Oldeland til Uggerslevgård
1648-1651Oluf Daa til Ravnstrup
648-53Jørgen Rosenkrantz til Kjeldgård
1648-58Peder Michelsen Wibe
1653-1560Peter Reedtz til Tygestrup
1656-1679Steen Hohendorff til Rønneholm
1657-1660Mogens Frijs til VadskærgårdMember of the skatkammerkollegiet until 1672
1660-1664Christoffer Gabel til Bavelse
1660-1679Henrick Müller til Dragsholm
1679-1681Heinrich von Støcken til Pederstrup

See also


  1. 1 2 "Rentekammeret". (in Danish). Retrieved 4 March 2023.
  2. "Danske rentemestre" (in Danish). Retrieved 4 March 2023.
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