Wesley ("Wes") T. Barnett (born April 1, 1970, in Saint Joseph, Missouri) was a two-time Olympic weightlifter for the United States. His coaches were Dennis Snethen, Istvan Javorek at Johnson County Community College and Dragomir Ciroslan. Barnett earned silver and bronze medal in 1997 at the World Championships in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Barnett currently lives in Monument, Colorado, and is the leading rebounder in the local YMCA league.


  • 1989, 1990 was member of the JCCC Collegiate National Championship team;
  • 1990 National Collegiate Champion in 90 kg weight class;
  • 1990 National Junior Champion in 90 kg weight class;
  • Olympic team member (1992 and 1996)
  • Bronze medalist In Senior World Championships (1997)
  • Pan Am Games Champion (1995)
  • Silver medalist In Pan Am Games (1991)
  • Bronze medalist in Pan Am Games (1999)
  • Senior American record holder in clean and jerk and total (1993–1997)

Notes of interest

  • Former executive director of USA Weightlifting

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