Yanagimoto Domain
Domain of Japan
Mon of the Oda clan of Yanagimoto Domain
Mon of the Oda clan
CapitalYanagimoto jin'ya
Historical eraEdo period
Today part ofNara Prefecture
Oda Nobushige, next to last daimyo of Yanagimoto Domain
Oda Nobuhiro, final daimyo of Yanagimoto Domain

The Yanagimoto Domain (柳本藩, Yanagimoto-han) was a Japanese domain of the Edo period. Its headquarters were located in what is now Tenri, Nara.


Oda Yuraku (Nagamasu), the younger brother of Oda Nobunaga and famous as a tea master, fought against the eastern army at the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600 and achieved great military success. He was given a fief of 30,000 koku. After that, he did not serve Tokugawa Ieyasu, but became a vassal of Hideyori because he was the great uncle of Toyotomi Hideyori. He fought on the Toyotomi side during the Winter Siege in Osaka, but behind the scenes he liaised with the Tokugawa side and worked behind the scenes during peace negotiations during the winter siege. Since he left the Toyotomi side just before the summer campaign, he was not charged with any crime after the war. However, out of his domain's 30,000 koku, Uraku took 10,000 koku as his own retirement allowance (Ajigohan), and of the remaining 20,000 koku, 10,000 koku was given to his fourth son Nagamasa, who also gave the same 10,000 koku. He distributed the stone to each of his fifth sons, Naonaga. Therefore, Nagamasa's lineage continued as the Shibamura Domain in Yamato Province, and Nagamasa's lineage continued as the Yanagimoto Domain.

After Naonaga, the Yanagimoto domain continued with Oda Nagatane and Oda Shuichi, but in February 1709, during the reign of the fourth lord, Oda Hidechika, a memorial service was held for the former shogun, Tokugawa Tsunayoshi. During the ceremony at Kan'eiji Temple, Hidechika was murdered by Maeda Toshimasa , who went insane. As a result, the Yanagimoto clan faced a crisis, but the chief retainers were quick to decide that Hidechika would die of illness and had his younger brother Narizumi take over as his adopted heir, and the crisis was overcome. .

Around the middle of the Edo period, the financial difficulties of the domain became apparent due to the sadness of being a small domain. For this reason, heavy taxes were imposed on the people of the domain, but in January 1769, during the reign of the 10th lord, Oda Hidewata , the peasants filed a strong suit against the heavy taxes. In December 1802, a revolt broke out by farmers demanding a reduction in annual tax, and many people were killed and injured in the scuffles between the Oda army and the farmers. Furthermore, in the latter half of the Edo period, the Yanagimoto residence was completely destroyed by fire in 1830, when the domain's finances were already in dire straits. For this reason, the 11th feudal lord, Nobuyo Oda, laid off 27 retainers in October 1833. Then, on December 27, 1852, he was appointed as the lord of the castle, as he was the first member of the famous family since Nobunaga. At the end of the Edo period, he was involved in suppressing the Tenchu-gumi rebellion and repairing the Emperor's tomb, and from an early stage became close to the government military. After the Meiji Restoration, the Yanagimoto clan became a clan due to the restoration of land ownership, and in 1871, the Yanagimoto clan was abolished and incorporated into Nara prefecture via Yanagimoto prefecture.

Other domains of the Oda clan continued until the Meiji Restoration, such as Tendo Domain and Kashiwara Domain, which belonged to Oda Nobuo, and the above-mentioned Shibamura Domain (Kaishige Domain), which belonged to Yuraku. There was also the Nomura domain in the Yuraku lineage, but it was abolished in the early Edo period and became extinct without a successor.

List of daimyo

#NameTenureCourtesy titleCourt Rankkokudaka
Oda clan, 1615 - 1871(Tozama daimyo)
1Oda Naonaga (織田直長)1615 - 1637Echigo no kami (越後 の 髪)Junior 5th Rank, Lower Grade (従五位下)10,000 koku
2Oda Nagatane (織田長胤)1637 - 1643Repair Ryo (リペアリョウ)Junior 5th Rank, Lower Grade (従五位下)10,000 koku
3Oda Hidekazu (小田秀和)1643 - 1687Shinano no kami (品の の 髪)Junior 5th Rank, Lower Grade (従五位下)10,000 koku
4Oda Hidechika (織田秀親)1687 - 1709None (なし)Junior 5th Rank, Lower Grade (従五位下)10,000 koku
5Oda Shigezumi(Shigetoshi) (小田重純(しげとし)1709 - 1724Bungo no kami (文語 の 髪)Junior 5th Rank, Lower Grade (従五位下)10,000 koku
6Oda Hideyuki (小田秀幸)1724 - 1726Iyo no kami (伊予 の 髪)Junior 5th Rank, Lower Grade (従五位下)10,000 koku
7Oda Nobukata (織田信方)1726 - 1741Shimotsuke no kami (シモツケ の 髪)Junior 5th Rank, Lower Grade (従五位下)10,000 koku
8Oda Hidekata (織田信方)1741 - 1763Shinano no kami (品の の 髪)Junior 5th Rank, Lower Grade (従五位下)10,000 koku
9Oda Nagatsune (織田長経)1763 - 1766Chikuzen no kami (筑前 の 髪)Junior 5th Rank, Lower Grade (従五位下)10,000 koku
10Oda Hidetsura (織田秀貫)1766 - 1806Yamato no kami (やまと の 髪)Junior 5th Rank, Lower Grade (従五位下)10,000 koku
11Oda Nobuakira (織田信明)1806 - 1857Aki no kami (安芸守)Junior 5th Rank, Lower Grade (従五位下)10,000 koku
12Oda Nobushige (織田信繁)1857 - 1868Chikuzen no kami (左近)Junior 5th Rank, Lower Grade (従五位下)10,000 koku
13Oda Nobuhiro (織田信弘)1868 - 1871None (なし)Junior 5th Rank, Lower Grade (従五位下)10,000 koku

See also


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