Where can I find a good Eclipse Mercurial Plugin?

Martin Geisler
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    Are you asking for opinions on specific plugin(s)? I easily found one or via Google and was wondering whether you had seen that one yet. – Greg Hewgill Oct 27 '09 at 06:41

5 Answers5



Update site: https://bitbucket.org/mercurialeclipse/update-site/raw/default/

Installation manual

As stated below (in comments) the name is MercurialEclipse. The name HgEclipse was a fork that Intland did and was later "merged" back again with MercurialEclipse, which moved around a bit between the current site, Google code and javaforge.com.

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    This plugin is the successor to the mercurialeclipse plugin mentioned at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1629058/mercurial-eclipse-plugin/1629086#1629086. – Jay R. Mar 24 '10 at 01:29
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    Its disappointing that you need to sign up at java forge in order to download this plugin – Chris Gow Nov 26 '10 at 14:34
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    Check here instead: http://andrei.gmxhome.de/mercurialeclipse/index.html No registration required. The update site URL is at the bottom of the page. But read the whole thing anyway. – n0rd Dec 02 '10 at 18:55
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    Registration is NOT required anymore. – intland Dec 10 '10 at 13:14
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    **HgEclipse** changed name to **MercurialEclipse**. *You might have already heard that HgEclipse (the plugin currently installed in your Eclipse) and the original MercurialEclipse project will reunite with the 1.6.0 release. (Details to be announced in May 2010.)* - http://www.javaforge.com/wiki/86753 – Piotr Dobrogost Apr 30 '11 at 15:37
  • Guys, but where to download the plugin itself?! (to install it in offline) – zerkms Sep 26 '11 at 22:32
  • @zerkms If you are going to download it, why don't you do it using Eclipse's pluging manager? The url is http://cbes.javaforge.com/update – glarrain Oct 14 '11 at 23:11
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    @glarrain: ? It just installs mercurial eclipse. What I need is just a zipped site update to install it on the machine without internet. – zerkms Oct 14 '11 at 23:26
  • The plugin does not work. Several operations I have attempted resulted in "null argument" exceptions. Had to uninstall it in 5 minutes. – mark Nov 21 '11 at 20:05
  • I had to wait for 3 minutes to get past eclipse "Pending..." – JohnnyLambada Dec 09 '11 at 03:11
  • @intland: On the MercurialEclipse page as of Nov 2012 "To download or upgrade MercurialEclipse, please sign up at JavaForge first." – pufferfish Nov 28 '12 at 19:06
  • The cbes update URL contains an old version (as of writing, 2.0.0, while the official site contains 2.1.1) – Mark Jeronimus Sep 27 '14 at 09:43
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    Update site has changed: https://bitbucket.org/mercurialeclipse/update-site/raw/default/ You can also use the installation manual: https://bitbucket.org/mercurialeclipse/main/wiki/Installation%20and%20Configuration – Hanoch Giner Jun 02 '16 at 10:38
  • @HanochGiner: That new update site seems to be recognised, but once I start trying to install the plugin from there, I get an error: `Artifact not found: http://mercurialeclipse.eclipselabs.org.codespot.com/files/com.vectrace.MercurialEclipse_2.1.0.201304290948.jar`. I'm hoping that's just temporary... – Amos M. Carpenter Sep 08 '16 at 03:21
  • If anyone encounters the same error, it seems that the "experimental" version 2.2 works, while the "stable" version 2.1 has the artifact not found problem. – Amos M. Carpenter Sep 09 '16 at 03:21
  • Bitbucket is dead, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/63936148/491245 for the current (as 2023) site. – PhoneixS Mar 09 '23 at 12:09

Vectrace is dead. They say you need to go to javaforge ( http://cbes.javaforge.com/update ).
WARNING: plugin on javaforge is unsigned and cannot be verified.

Dzmitry Lazerka
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    Prorper link is now vectrace.com/projects/mercurialeclipse but its only a redirect to the new proper project place bitbucket.org/mercurialeclipse/main – zingo Mar 13 '13 at 12:28

Now that Bitbucket is dead, the new location of MercurialEclipse is:

And the update site is:

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  • Here I am, advocating Eclipse and Mercurial within my company and both are just torpedoing my efforts. If this isn't fixed soon, IntelliJ and Git are just going to run away with this – Gwaptiva Nov 17 '20 at 17:20

Update 2017-May-6: the below is no longer applicable, the accepted answer has been updated.

I think the accepted answer is now outdated, what's available in the 'Market Place' does not work when adding a repository with latest Java 1.8 x64 (Issue #60) - was hoping installing a the snapshot would help but it did not.


Here are the other versions found:


Daniel Sokolowski
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Here is the web-site: http://www.vectrace.com/mercurialeclipse/
The update site is: http://www.vectrace.com/eclipse-update/

Piotr Dobrogost
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  • Prorper link is now http://www.vectrace.com/projects/mercurialeclipse but its only a redirect to the new proper project place https://bitbucket.org/mercurialeclipse/main/ – zingo Mar 13 '13 at 12:27