Questions tagged [eclipse-plugin]

Eclipse is an OSGi extensible platform for tool integration. The extensions to Eclipse are Java plug-ins. Use this tag to ask about developing Eclipse plug-ins. Note that asking for plug-in recommendations is off-topic.

Eclipse isn't a single monolithic program, but rather a small kernel containing a plug-in loader surrounded by a multitude of Java plug-ins. This small kernel is an implementation of the OSGi R4 specification and provides an environment in which plug-ins execute.

Each plug-in contributes to the whole in a structured manner, may rely on services provided by another plug-in, and each may in turn provide services on which yet other plug-ins may rely.

Plug-ins allow the extension of Eclipse functionality in various ways:

  • Providing additional UI elements,
  • allowing working with new technologies,
  • enhancing an existing plugin functionality, and much more.

The Eclipse source code is readily available and can be integrated with Eclipse to make it easy to debug plug-ins.


11636 questions
13 answers

Maven in Eclipse: step by step installation

I have spent been on the Maven site reading the 5- and 30-minute tutorials, and trialing Maven out for the first time. I want to install a Maven plugin and use it to start building Maven projects from Eclipse. Despite an honest effort, I have been…
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39 answers

What to do about Eclipse's "No repository found containing: ..." error messages?

I'm running Eclipse's Helios EE bundle on Linux to which I added the subversive plugins, the m2e Maven integration and the Mylin connector for Trac. For the last couple of weeks I've been trying to install updates, and every time I get back a…
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11 answers

Eclipse fonts and background color

I have been trying to change the background color of Eclipse's windows to black and customize the font colors. There doesn't seem to be a way to do this, at least not in an obvious way. I am using version 3.3. How do I do this or are there any…
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9 answers

How do I install Eclipse Marketplace in Eclipse Classic?

I'm running Eclipse 3.6.1 Classic, which does not come with the Eclipse Marketplace plugin by default. I've looked around the Eclipse website, but I don't see an available plugin for installing Eclipse Marketplace. Am I just not seeing it?
Thomas Owens
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4 answers

Is there an Eclipse line-width marker?

I have a specific project where I need to wrap every code line at 65 characters. I have set up the eclipse Java code formatter properly for this. But what I really want is a vertical line to be drawn in the editor showing where the max line width…
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29 answers

ADT requires 'org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found

I'm installing the Android SDK on a fresh installation of Fedora 14 (Linux). I installed eclipse, and ran the tools/android sdk tool to install all the Eclipse components for the SDK. I was able to get DDMS to install when selecting it by…
Brad Hein
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5 answers

Mercurial Eclipse Plugin

Where can I find a good Eclipse Mercurial Plugin?
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18 answers

Eclipse IDE: How to zoom in on text?

I want the same behaviour Firefox has, when you use the scroll button in the mouse to zoom in and out on the current view. Is there something like it for eclipse?
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10 answers

Correct way to remove plugin from Eclipse

Last times, I'm facing problem of removing plugins from Eclipse. symptoms: 1. if removing thru already installed menu,that can't reinstall correctly and have several perspectives - e.g. for SQL Explorer. (in Open Perspective menu) 2. if removing…
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9 answers

Eclipse git checkout (aka, revert)

Is it possible to do the equivalent of git checkout from within Eclipse using the EGit plugin? I have a file that's been modified. I want to discards the changes and revert the file back to what's in the source repository. In Subversion this is…
Steve Kuo
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6 answers

Lightweight SQL editor for Eclipse

Is there any simple SQL editor in Eclipse? Or do I need to find a simple SQL editor plugin for Eclipse? By simple I mean, the editor does NOT connect to any DB, does syntax highlighting and preferably formatting sql is a bonus.
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4 answers

JavaScript Editor Plugin for Eclipse

Is there an Eclipse plugin available for JavaScript that allows for syntax checking and autosuggestions for .js files in Eclipse?
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13 answers

How to install Hibernate Tools in Eclipse?

What is the proper way to install Hibernate Tools in Eclipse as a plugin? The Hibernate site doesn't really give any instructions. Looking at the Hibernate Tools binary, it appears that I can just unzip…
Steve Kuo
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2 answers

Install Marketplace plugin on Eclipse Juno

I downloaded the Eclipse Juno 4.2 classic bundle, and saw that Help > Marketplace... was not available. AFAIK, this is provided by the mpc plugin. On their website however, I didn't see a trace of how to install the mpc client for Juno. How can I…
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6 answers

How can I change Eclipse theme?

I want to change Eclipse theme like this Eclipse Dark Theme: I try to do all step in this page but eclipse theme not changed (but eclipse editor changed). I want to change all part of eclipse IDE change to black color, not only eclipse's editor.
Bangkok Apartment
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