Questions tagged [egit]

For questions about the EGit Eclipse plugin for the Git version control system.

EGit is an plugin for the version control system built on top of , the Java implementation of Git.

enter image description here

1440 questions
7 answers

GitHub: How to make a fork of public repository private?

How can I fork a public repository, but make my fork private? I do have the subscription to support private repositories.
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17 answers

The current branch is not configured for pull No value for key branch.master.merge found in configuration

I get this error when I try to pull from remote repository using Egit team>pull The current branch is not configured for pull No value for key branch.master.merge found in configuration
Ismail Marmoush
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9 answers

Eclipse git checkout (aka, revert)

Is it possible to do the equivalent of git checkout from within Eclipse using the EGit plugin? I have a file that's been modified. I want to discards the changes and revert the file back to what's in the source repository. In Subversion this is…
Steve Kuo
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3 answers

git stash and git pull

I am new to Git and I am using EGit eclipse plugin to commit. I modified few files and I stashed the changes, then I did git pull in command line which pulled up all the latest commits. Then I did Apply stashed changes from EGit. Now it applied my…
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5 answers

How do I change the default author and committer in the Eclipse Git plugin?

I am using the Git plugin for Eclipse. I have several authors and committers which are displayed when I start typing in those fields. How can I provide changes to this list, or remove some author or committer? Also I want to set my default author…
Dmytro Danylyk
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23 answers

"Auth Failed" error with EGit and GitHub

I've installed EGit plugin at Eclipse Helios and I'm trying to use it with my GitHub account, but when I try to configure it I get an "Auth Failed" error. I'd been googling it but no luck... it seems to be a problem with my passphrase but AFAIK EGit…
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10 answers

Egit rejected non-fast-forward

I am getting this message while pushing to github repository. Can you tell me step by step procedure to fix it? I pushed only once and it was successful. But, when I updated a project and tried to push my second commit, it shows "master rejected…
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6 answers

Confusion in choosing between JavaGit, JGit and EGit

I am making a Java application that uses Git. I found that there is something called JavaGit, EGit and JGit. I know that JavaGit and EGit/JGit are different. What I don't understand is the difference between EGit and JGit. Both are hosted on Eclipse…
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2 answers

How to delete a branch in the remote repository using EGIT?

How to delete the remote branch itself in sourceforge with all files in it, using egit ?
Ismail Marmoush
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2 answers

Undo single-file local uncommitted change in egit (e.g. svn revert)

Scenario: I have local uncommitted changes to a source file which I want to undo, and get the source file back in its pristine state. In command-line git I would do "git checkout ", but how do I do this in Egit?
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31 answers

'cannot open git-upload-pack' error in Eclipse when cloning or pushing git repository

I am not able to clone or push to a git repository at Bitbucket in Eclipse: It's weird, because a day before I didn't have any problem. I have downloaded the sts 3 times with no luck. This error keeps showing. Also I have installed SourceTree and…
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10 answers

How to resolve conflicts in EGit

I am using EGit on Eclipse v4.3 (Kepler). I want to commit and push my changes. I do a pull first and one file is conflicting. After manually resolving the conflict (local and remote are the same now), I am still running into problems. Here are the…
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8 answers

There is nothing changed, but eclipse egit marks the file as changed

I'm using eclipse egit with github. I found something strange that I didn't change anything, but egit marked the file as "changed". See the images: the file "run.bat" is marked as "changed" Compare with "file in Git index", you can see nothing is…
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6 answers

Eclipse + EGit: clone project into workspace

I'm a little confused about how EGit workes. I have an existing git repository on Github and want to clone it into my workspace. My goal is to have the local repository directly stored inside my workspace-folder but I don't get it working with…
Manuel Mauky
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4 answers

Unable to find stash/apply functionalitit in EGit

I'm working with Eclipse Kepler and EGit 3.0.0. Where can I find the GIT stash/apply functionality. I cannot find stash in the package explorer team pop-up nor anywhere in the Team Synchronizing perspective.
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