I have an element which needs to drop into droppable(Jquery UI droppable) div while drag and drop(works perfect), but i need to drop the same element while onclick on it.

Reason why i need the above said functionality: The code gets repeat while used separate code to clone and append the element into droppable div when onclick. I need to use same code for both. How to pass the onclicked element (draggable element) into drop function.?

    var cloned_element;

        helper: 'clone',
        revert: true

        drop: function(event, ui) 
            cloned_element = $(ui.helper).clone();


        $(this).trigger("drop", $('#droppable'));

Sample code in Jsfiddle..!

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  • can you elaborate. So you dont want drag and drop functionality ? On click of draggable ,, it should drop into droppable ? – Amar Singh Jul 22 '16 at 11:13
  • @ Yo Yo.. I used both drag and drop, and also onclick to append element into droppable div. I used the dropped div to make resize, rotate, like various functionalities inside the droppable div, so these codes get repeat when i used seperate function for onclick. – ArunValaven Jul 22 '16 at 11:19
  • ok see my answer ! – Amar Singh Jul 22 '16 at 11:25

1 Answers1


I dont think you can trigger drag drop functionality on click . But you can do something like this

            cloned_element = $("#draggable").clone();

Working demo

Demo for your second query. - how to assign resizable() to all dropped elements.

Amar Singh
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  • @ Yo Yo... I don't need this separate function. I have this code. when i use Jquery UI resizable or other functionality to the cloned element, i need to repeat the code for both drag-dropped and onclicked functions. Can you understand what i need..? Please help me – ArunValaven Jul 22 '16 at 11:30
  • @ Yo Yo.. or any other way to pass the onclicked element into drop function..? – ArunValaven Jul 22 '16 at 11:33
  • @ArunValaven : your question was **How to drop the draggable div when onclick on it?** which I answered. ok i will try to fix this too – Amar Singh Jul 22 '16 at 11:35
  • @ Yo Yo.. Can you prescribe me how i can change the question for better understanding..? Thanks for your future effort to solve my issue. – ArunValaven Jul 22 '16 at 11:39
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    @ArunValaven : what you can do is assign a same class (say `.dropped_box`) to all the dropped elements (created by click or drag) and assign that class with any JQuery-UI functionality - `.resizable();` or whatever . It should work – Amar Singh Jul 22 '16 at 11:40
  • @ArunValaven : see my Updated answer for second demo. Your solution is there – Amar Singh Jul 22 '16 at 11:52
  • @ Yo Yo.. Yes.... That code also i have.. I used the way used the resizable() function. But i your demo itself shows my problem(code repetation, used resizable for both function).. Thanks.. – ArunValaven Jul 22 '16 at 11:57
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    @ArunValaven : see both are different events . you need assign the functionalities to both the events. , or call a function in both events , which will contain all the declared jquery functionalities you want to add – Amar Singh Jul 22 '16 at 12:05
  • @ Yo Yo.. So in my code which is best to use.? Assign same class name for all drag-drop and onclick elements Or calling a same function in both functions..? – ArunValaven Jul 22 '16 at 12:18
  • see if are adding a class then you need to handle the delegate event handler too . Better make a separate function declare all functionalities in it .. run that function AFTER every time you add the element – Amar Singh Jul 22 '16 at 12:29
  • @ Yo Yo.. Can you able to give a demo to implement this function using delegate event handler..? just by simply assigning resizable functionality for both function. – ArunValaven Jul 22 '16 at 12:35
  • @ArunValaven .. Yes , see this answer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31512442/apply-jqueryui-resizable-widget-to-dynamically-created-elements – Amar Singh Jul 22 '16 at 12:37
  • @ Yo Yo.. ok Thanks – ArunValaven Jul 22 '16 at 12:40