I am sure that I misunderstand how i can access function properties from one of its prototypes . i may got -10 because of this question , but I truly need help in understanding why it always returns undefined

here is a reference

function lookup() {
  if (!(this instanceof lookup)) {
    return new lookup();
  this.url = "/administration/lookups";
lookup.prototype.partial_create = () => {
var lookup1 = function(){
  this.url = "/administration/lookups";
lookup1.prototype.makealert = ()=>{
  new lookup().partial_create();
  new lookup1().makealert();
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
Robin Zigmond
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1 Answers1


It's because you've defined both the prototype methods as arrow functions - which behave differently from other functions with regard to the this keyword. (This indeed is the main point of using arrow functions in the first place - but they are misplaced here.) In particular (as you can read at the above link), arrow functions use the this of their enclosing scope - which here is the global scope. So this does not refer to your instance of lookup, but to the global object - hence this.url is just the global variable url, which (since you haven't defined such a variable) is undefined.

To show the difference, run the below snippet - which is identical to yours with the arrow functions replaced by "regular" function declarations. This now works as you presumably intend:

function lookup() {
  if (!(this instanceof lookup)) {
    return new lookup();
  this.url = "/administration/lookups";
lookup.prototype.partial_create = function() {
var lookup1 = function(){
  this.url = "/administration/lookups";
lookup1.prototype.makealert = function() {
  new lookup().partial_create();
  new lookup1().makealert();
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
Robin Zigmond
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  • Thank you for the explanation . i did not know that there is a functional difference between the writing a function classical VS modern version – Shiva Brahma Jul 27 '20 at 19:33