I have an EC2 instance running (FreeBSD 9 AMI ami-8cce3fe5), and I can ssh into it using my amazon-created key file without password prompt, no problem.

However, when I want to copy a file to the instance using scp I am asked to enter a password:

scp somefile.txt -i mykey.pem root@my.ec2.id.amazonaws.com:/


Any ideas why this is happening/how it can be prevented?

Pat Myron
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  • Are you using excatly the same identifier for the user and host? – Lynch Jul 02 '11 at 16:10
  • I'm not sure I understand what you mean by identifier, could you explain? – Hoff Jul 02 '11 at 16:13
  • if for one connection you use an Ip address and for the other you use a name it will not work. I just saw that you use `-i` option to provide your identity. May be you should also show the command you use to log in with ssh. – Lynch Jul 02 '11 at 16:18

15 Answers15


I figured it out. I had the arguments in the wrong order. This works:

scp -i mykey.pem somefile.txt root@my.ec2.id.amazonaws.com:/
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    from who understand how to connect to ec2 through ssh, just change the `ssh` command to `scp` and add the name file after the pem file. – Claudio Santos Sep 28 '13 at 12:08
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    Since this answer is a little old, a more recent example from my new EC2 instance: scp -i kp1.pem ./file.txt ec2-user@ – siliconrockstar Jan 11 '15 at 21:46
  • I'm getting "No space left on device" when I execute this command. scp -i /home/myusername/keypair.pem -r /home/myusername/digits/digits/jobs/20150724-111748-8bd3 ubuntu@ec2-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.compute-x.amazonaws.com:/home/ubuntu – San Aug 03 '15 at 13:13
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    @siliconrockstar Your statement `ec2-user@` is easily replaced with the shorter and easier `ec2-user@` `./` FTW! – brock Apr 01 '16 at 14:19
  • In my experience ~ and ./ operators don't always resolve correctly on remote machines, so I got into the habit of using the full path, but +1 if it's working for you. – siliconrockstar Apr 03 '16 at 03:32
  • One more way: Create/edit ~/.ssh/config file and add remote-host entry there. Then, `$ scp /source/file_to_copy.txt remote-user@remote-host:/destination` – ChandanK Jan 26 '18 at 19:42
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    A very late comment, but what @ClaudioSantos suggests doesn't work exactly if you're using a non-standard port. It's -p for ssh and -P for scp. – Inukshuk Jan 17 '19 at 03:04
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    I can use my *.PEM file to ssh into ec2. however, when I want to use it to SCP a file, it gives me the "Permission Denied" error! How can I solve this? – AleX_ Jan 18 '19 at 22:27
  • @AleX_ try pscp (PuTTY with pscp) --> `pscp -i /path/to/your/.pemkey -r user@##-##-##-##:/path/to/files .` the trailing period just says to drop the files where you are. I got started with pscp here: https://www.ssh.com/ssh/putty/putty-manuals/0.68/Chapter5.html – Joe Parzival Apr 26 '19 at 19:11
  • Worked like a charm ! i was trying -i abc.pem at end. I reorderd as per your suggestion and it worked perfectly. Thanks. – Mounish Ambaliya Oct 16 '19 at 09:05
  • @JoeParzival: and with macos terminal? – Ponzio Pilato Oct 22 '20 at 10:25
  • What if you want to cp from 1 remote instance to another. The following didn't work for me even through I can ssh to each server with the key scp -i mykey.pem root@one.ec2.id.amazonaws.com:/somefile.txt root@two.ec2.id.amazonaws.com:/ – Jeff H Dec 28 '21 at 17:48
  • In case the .pem file doesn't have root permissions, one should enter the user path. for eg. In case of ubuntu, it is "/home/ubuntu". so the command becomes - "scp -i mykey.pem somefile.txt user@my.ec2.id.amazonaws.com:/home/ubuntu" – gauravtolani Nov 02 '22 at 17:46
scp -i /path/to/your/.pemkey -r /copy/from/path user@server:/copy/to/path
Syed Priom
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copy a file from a local server to a remote server

sudo scp -i my-pem-file.pem ./source/test.txt ec2-user@

copy a file from a remote server to a local machine

sudo scp -i my-pem-file.pem ec2-user@ ./where/to/put

So the basically syntax is:-

scp -i my-pem-file.pem username@source:/location/to/file username@destination:/where/to/put

-i is for the identity_file

Jamil Noyda
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I've used below command to copy from local linux Centos 7 to AWS EC2.

scp -i user_key.pem file.txt ec2-user@my.ec2.id.amazonaws.com:/home/ec2-user
Renato Coutinho
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Making siliconerockstar's comment an answer since it worked for me

scp -i kp1.pem ./file.txt ec2-user@
Pritam Banerjee
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scp -i ~/.ssh/key.pem ec2-user@ip:/home/ec2-user/file-to-copy.txt .

The file name shouldnt be between the pem file and the ec2-user string - that doesnt work. This also allows you to reserve the name of the copied file.

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lets assume that your pem file and somefile.txt you want to send is in Downloads folder

scp -i ~/Downloads/mykey.pem ~/Downloads/somefile.txt root@my.ec2.id.amazonaws.com:~/

let me know if it doesn't work

Yatender Singh
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  • scp -i /Users/Username/Downloads/myfile.pem -r ubuntu@my.ect.id.amazonaws.com:~/ ~/Desktop/ in case u want to transfer file from server to local – Yatender Singh Mar 28 '16 at 07:29
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    Thanks I got "access denied" with `:/` at the end but with `:~/` it works – cardamom Jul 03 '17 at 11:51
  • yeah because :/ is root folder and :~/ is user folder so if you are root user then :/ or :~/ anything will work and if you are not root user then only :~/ you have to use. – Yatender Singh Jul 03 '17 at 12:52

scp -i /home/barkat/Downloads/LamppServer.pem lampp_x64_12.04.tar.gz

this will be very helpful to all of you guys

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My hadoopec2cluster.pem file was the only one in the directory on my local mac, couldn't scp it to aws using scp -i hadoopec2cluster.pem hadoopec2cluster.pem ubuntu@serverip:~.

Copied hadoopec2cluster.pem to hadoopec2cluster_2.pem and then scp -i hadoopec2cluster.pem hadoopec2cluster_2.pem ubuntu@serverip:~. Voila!

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I was hung up on this because I was specifying my public key file in

scp -i [private key file path]

When I caught that mistake and changed it to the private key path instead, I was all set.

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In your case, the user root won't have any issues. But in certain cases where you're required to login under SSH as a different user, make sure the directory you're scp-ing has adequate permissions for the user you're SSH-ing.

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To use PSCP, you need the private key you generated in Converting Your Private Key Using PuTTYgen. You also need the public DNS address of your Linux instance

pscp -i C:\path\my-key-pair.ppk C:\path\Sample_file.txt ec2-user@public_dns:/home/ec2-user/Sample_file.txt
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dheeraj kumar
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For ec2 server

#move your key to /tmp or right folder on server

Assign right permission

sudo chmod 600 /tmp/dev-sunrobotics-snippetbucketcom.pem

then connect to server or transfer

scp -i /tmp/dev-snippetbucketcom.pem filestore.tar.gz ubuntu@

Make sure in your ip security you have allow ip address to connect

Tejas Tank
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write this code

scp -r -o "ForwardAgent=yes" /Users/pengge/11.vim root@

If you have a SSH key with access to the destination server and the source server does not, adding -o "ForwardAgent=yes" will allow you to forward your SSH agent to the source server so that it can use your SSH key to connect to the destination server.

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Just tested:

Run the following command:

sudo shred -u /etc/ssh/*_key /etc/ssh/*_key.pub


  1. create ami (image of the ec2).
  2. launch from new ami(image) from step no 2 chose new keys.
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