Questions tagged [complex-event-processing]

Complex event processing (CEP) consists of processing many events happening across all the layers of an organization, identifying the most meaningful events within the event cloud, analyzing their impact, and taking subsequent action in real time.

Complex event processing refers to process states, the changes of state exceeding a defined threshold of level, time, or value increment or just of a count as the event. It requires the respective event monitoring, event reporting, event recording and event filtering. An event may be observed as a change of state with any physical or logical or otherwise discriminated condition of and in a technical or economical system, each state information with an attached time stamp defining the order of occurrence and a topology mark defining the location of occurrence.

664 questions
5 answers

What pagination schemes can handle rapidly-changing content lists?

Pagination is hard when your content rankings can change quickly, and even harder when those rankings differ per-user. (Let's treat infinite scroll as a type of pagination where the links are invisible.) There are two hard problems: newly-added…
Jay Levitt
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10 answers

Alternative to Esper?

I am really interested in Complex Event Processing and have been looking at Esper. However my company has an anti-GPL stance and I was wondering if there are non-GPL alternatives out there under a more business friendly license like Apache or BSD?
4 answers

Python complex event processing

Are there any Python alternatives similar to Esper (Java and .NET) that deal with complex event processing (CEP)?
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8 answers

Which CEP product to start with?

I want to learn more on how to build CEP based applications. So I looked around and found several products (overview found here: But as there are quite a few at the moment, I don't know which is the best to…
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2 answers

Apache Flink - Send event if no data was received for x minutes

How can I implement an operator with Flink's DataStream API that sends an event when no data was received from a stream for a certain amount of time?
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4 answers

What does PI in OSIsoft's 'PI System' stand for?

What does PI in OSIsoft's 'PI System' stand for? I can't tell if it stands for the symbol/number Pi, or if it stands for a previous name for the technology, like 'Process Intelligence'. PI is too close to the more common BI to be just a…
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2 answers

How to scale out with esper?

I've been looking at Esper (and Storm) for stream processing.. Esper seems to do exactly what I want.. i.e. roling means, medians, complex queries, etc... but one thing has me wondering. How would I scale out to multiple instances with Esper? As far…
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0 answers

Rules Engine vs CEP

Scenario: The end user wants to define actions on set of data change events that happen within the system. These actions should be configurable. I have few questions regarding it below: My first questions is how can we monitory data changes & raise…
Rajat Mehta
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4 answers

Best approach to construct a real-time rule engine for our streaming events

We are at the beginning of building an IoT cloud platform project. There are certain well known portions to achieve complete IoT platform solution. One of them is real-time rule processing/engine system which is needed to understand that streaming…
3 answers

CEP Engine for .NET

Are there any CEP Engine/Platforms that works friendly with .Net (ie, it has .Net API), other than Nesper and the Microsoft StreamInsight ?
Cihan Keser
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1 answer

How can I combine two streams ordered then grouped by timestamp?

I have two streams of objects that each have a Timestamp value. Both streams are in order, so for example the timestamps might be Ta = 1,3,6,6,7 in one stream and Tb = 1,2,5,5,6,8 in the other. Objects in both streams are of the same type. What I'd…
Dmitri Nesteruk
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1 answer

How did Valve build their real-time achievement engine in Team Fortress 2?

The complexity of achievements I've noticed while playing Team Fortress 2 on Steam is amazing. Are there any resources that describe how they architected their achievement engine? There is a lot of data that has to be processed simultaneously and in…
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1 answer

Process Complex Events

I have a stream of discrete events coming into my system and I need to apply rules based on the content of each event. Also, I want to apply complex event processing on these stream events. Constraints 1. These rules are user supplied and will…
1 answer

Drools Fusion support for persistent, long running events

I was considering using Drools Fusion to implement the following exemplary rules: if customer bought two same products within a year, she gets third for free for spending more than 200 USD in at most three consecutive transactions customer gets a…
Tomasz Nurkiewicz
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1 answer

Publish statistic from wso2 EI to wso2 Stream Processor

I need to know how is it possible to publish statistics via event publisher from Enteprise Integrator to Stream Processor. I have following implementation of event publisher on my EI
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