Questions tagged [streaming]

Streaming is the process of delivering digital multimedia content from a provider to a consumer over a network. The provider may have the data stored or may be relaying it from a live source.

In computer science, streaming is the process of sending or receiving a sequence (stream) of data elements made available over time. A stream can be thought of as a conveyor belt that allows items to be processed one at a time rather than in large batches which must be completed in whole before subsequent data transfer occurs.

Streams are processed differently from batch data – normal functions cannot operate on streams as a whole, as they have potentially unlimited data, streams are codata (potentially unlimited), not data (which is finite).

More details in Wikipedia page on streaming media

Streaming Libraries

7307 questions
9 answers

Streaming video from Android camera to server

I've seen plenty of info about how to stream video from the server to an android device, but not much about the other way, ala Qik. Could someone point me in the right direction here, or give me some advice on how to approach this?
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25 answers

An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. Why?

private void StartReceivingData(string ipAddress, int iPort) { try { if (!_bContinueReciving) { //initializeMainSocket(ipAddress, iPort); _mSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork,…
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8 answers

Best approach to real time http streaming to HTML5 video client

I'm really stuck trying to understand the best way to stream real time output of ffmpeg to a HTML5 client using node.js, as there are a number of variables at play and I don't have a lot of experience in this space, having spent many hours trying…
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10 answers

Streaming via RTSP or RTP in HTML5

I'm building a web app that should play back an RTSP/RTP stream from a server Does the HTML5 video/audio tag support the rtsp or rtp? If not, what would the easiest solution be? Perhaps drop down to a VLC plugin or…
Elben Shira
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4 answers

Live-stream video from one android phone to another over WiFi

I have searched the internet for days now on how to implement a video streaming feature from an android phone to another android phone over a WiFi connection but I can't seem to find anything useful. I looked on android developers for sample code,…
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1 answer

How do streaming resources fit within the RESTful paradigm?

With a RESTful service you can create, read, update, and delete resources. This all works well when you're dealing with something like a database assets - but how does this translate to streaming data? (Or does it?) For instance, in the case of…
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6 answers

Chrome hangs after certain amount of data transfered - waiting for available socket

I've got a browser game and I have recently started adding audio to the game. Chrome does not load the whole page and gets stuck at "91 requests | 8.1 MB transferred" and does not load any more content; and it even breaks the website in all other…
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4 answers

What is the difference between MediaPlayer and VideoView in Android

I was wondering if there's a difference between them when it comes to streaming videos. I know VideoView can be used for streaming and what is Mediaplayer for? As far as I know, MediaPlayer can do the same thing as VideoView right? Can anyone give…
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2 answers

HTML5 - How to stream large .mp4 files?

I'm trying to setup a very basic html5 page that loads a .mp4 video that is 20MB. It appears that the browser needs to download the entire thing rather than just playing the first part of the video and streaming in the rest. This post is the…
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8 answers

Play YouTube videos with MPMoviePlayerController instead of UIWebView

I'm trying to stream some youTube videos using the MPMoviePlayerController but I'm having some problems. The code I'm using is pretty simple and I can play .m4v videos by passing a URL to initWithContentURL. When I launch the movie player the…
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9 answers

Download/Stream file from URL -

I need to stream a file which will result in save as prompt in the browser. The issue is, the directory that the file is located is virtually mapped, so I am unable to use Server.MapPath to determine it's actual location. The directory is not in the…
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6 answers

Playing m3u8 Files with HTML Video Tag

I am trying to use HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) to stream video to my computers and my iPhone. After reading through the Apple 'HTTP Live Streaming Overview' as well as 'Best Practices for Creating and Deploying HTTP Live Streaming Media for the…
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What is the difference between RTP or RTSP in a streaming server?

I'm thinking about developing a streaming server and I have the following question, do over RTSP (example url: rtsp:// or RTP (example url: rtp:// As I have understood, an RTSP server is mainly used for…
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6 answers

How to send image generated by PIL to browser?

I'm using flask for my application. I'd like to send an image (dynamically generated by PIL) to client without saving on disk. Any idea how to do this ?
11 answers

Is there a streaming API for JSON?

Is DOM the only way to parse JSON?
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