Questions tagged [conky]

Conky is a free, light-weight system monitor for X that displays any information on your desktop. Conky is licensed under the GPL and runs on Linux and BSD.

Conky is a free, light-weight system monitor for X that displays any information on your desktop. Conky is licensed under the GPL and runs on Linux and BSD.

Conky is a GitHub project. Its name is derived from the Canadian TV show Trailer Park Boys.

83 questions
1 answer

conky with if_match and 'and'

I'm having a hard time googling and searching for what i'm trying to do because of the broad meaning of my searchable keywords. I'm trying to modify my .conkyrc file to change the font color based on temperature which requires me to write something…
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1 answer

How to implement a basic Lua function in Conky?

I am trying to add a function to my Conky which prints the length of a string for debug purposes. The code, inside a file called test.lua, is pretty trivial: function test(word) return string.len(word) end ...and I load it like this. In my…
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4 answers

RegExp to match everything up to first blank line

I'm writing a bash script that will show me what TV programs to watch today, it will get this information from a text file. The text is in the following format: Monday: Family Guy (2nd May) Tuesday: House The Big Bang Theory (3rd May) Wednesday: The…
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4 answers

python getting upload/download speeds

I want to monitor on my computer the upload and download speeds. A program called conky already does it with the following in conky conf: Connection quality: $alignr ${wireless_link_qual_perc wlan0}% ${downspeedgraph wlan0} DLS:${downspeed wlan0}…
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1 answer

get pid of specific application instance

Lets say I want to kill just the conky instance with the configuration file conkyrc_update and not the other one workload. Is there a way to get the pid of a specific application instance? [sebastian@archlinux-work ~]$ ps aux | grep conky sebasti+ …
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MPD + Lua + conky

I need help writing a conkyrc file. It (should) call a lua script, which reads a FIFO pipe of PCM data generated by MPD. This FIFO is used to generate visualization in NCMPCPP but I'd rather it go to a bar graph on my desktop. And yeah, I'm aware…
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1 answer

cairo_text_extents_t is not recognized by lua

I am writing some widget in lua to be used by conky to display some stuff. I reached a point in which I would like to center text. Following this tutorial, I ported the C code into lua code, so it now looks like this: local extents local utf8 =…
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0 answers

Duplicate Conky on every connected extending screen?

I have a very straightforward question to ask: Is it possible to clone / duplicate Conky windows on every connected X screen?
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1 answer

Piping file contents to conky?

I have been writing a script to check the weather. The script is fine and is working great as a cronjob but, I am now trying to have the results from the script(todays weather forecast) displayed in conky. I have a file 'weather-outside' that the…
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1 answer

Using an awk while-loop in Conky

I'm struggling with a while() loop in a Conky script. Here's what I want to do : I'm tunneling a command output to awk, extracting and formatting data. The problem is : the output could contain 1 to n sections, and I want to get values from each one…
1 answer

In conky, how do I nest a variable within a template?

In conky, how do I nest a variable within a template? EXAMPLES: ${template2 enp0s25} <- WORKS (fixed string) ${template2 ${gw_iface}} < FAILS (nested variable) ${template2 ${execpi 10 ls -d /sys/class/net/enp* 2> /dev/null | sed -e…
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2 answers

How do I debug lua functions called from conky?

I'm trying to add some lua functionality to my existing conky setup so that repetitive "code" in my conky text can be cleaned up. For example, I have information for each mounted FS, each core, etc. where each row displayed in my panel differs ONLY…
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1 answer

Conky won't display an image

I found recently that Conky can display images, so wanted to try this. The line in my conky file is as follows: ${image /home/scott/Desktop/soho/soho-eit284.jpg} I've double-checked the path is correct and is a valid JPG. Instead of the literal…
Scott Hather
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1 answer

How make color text in conky with out_to_console mode?

Want to use conky against i3status in i3wm, but can't change color of the text, ${color 20B00B} not help, so how change font color? + also want beautiful graphics of cpu work, but in console mode i gets something like this ##____ use_xft yes …
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1 answer

determine if connection is wired or wireless?

I have a bash script I made which when run on each of my computers, detects the number of CPU cores, HDDs/partitions, battery present or not, etc, and generate a conkyrc file to display the relevant info for that PC using the style I prefer in my…
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