Questions tagged [equinox]

Use this tag for questions about Equinox which is an implementation of the OSGi R4 core framework specification, a set of bundles that implement various optional OSGi services and other infrastructure for running OSGi-based systems.

Eclipse Equinox provides a certified implementation of the OSGi R4.x core framework specification. It is a modular runtime that allows developers to implement an application as a set of "bundles" using the common services and infrastructure.

603 questions
8 answers

Java 8 & Missing required capability Require-Capability:; filter="(&("

I have using Eclipse Luna win32.x86_64 runing with Java 8. Here from the Help Menu > About > Installation Detail > Configuration Tab: java.runtime.version=1.8.0_05-b13 java.version=1.8.0_05 I have created new plug-in project, requesting JavaSE-1.8…
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1 answer

How can I run a subprocess in Equinox with dynamic bundle installation?

I have a Java application that runs in OSGi/Equinox. From this application, I need to spawn Java subprocesses (e.g. via ProcessBuilder.start()) that run in OSGi/Equinox as well in order to handle class loading correctly. The subprocess will require…
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4 answers

Scala in OSGI container?

How can I code my bundle in Scala and then deploy it into OSGI container? Do I compile it into "java" first or can i deploy scala straight into OSGI and use some kind of bundles to recognize it? Any pointers would be great. Currently I am using…
Andriy Drozdyuk
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1 answer

Better handling of Thread Context ClassLoader in OSGi

I've been using OSGi for a while now and I have various solutions to the problems I encountered. I wanted to revisit one of these and see if people had come up with different solutions. One of the most common issues I have with OSGi (Equinox 3.4.2)…
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2 answers

Trouble understanding the whole OSGi web eco system

I am pretty new to the whole Java and OSGi world and I have trouble understanding the eco system of a OSGi web application. To be more precise I am at the moment trying to understand how all the parts of the eco system are related to each…
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4 answers

Best way to shutdown an OSGi Container (specifically equinox)

I'm looking for a best practice on shutting down an OSGi container. Currently we are using a small launcher app which calls EclipseStarter.startup() and installs some core bundles. After that the launcher terminates. When the test GUI (running as a…
James Carr
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1 answer

Which version of OSGi is implemented by which version of Eclipse/Equinox?

We are looking for a table which matches Eclipse/Equinox release versions to the corresponding OSGi Service Platform specification release version. Eclipse/Equinox wiki doesn't have any info on this in a structured form.
Ilya Shinkarenko
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4 answers

How to get classloader for a bundle in equinox?

I have read a lot of equinox code for this, but still can't figure out a non-hacky way of getting the classloader for a osgi bundle in eclipse equinox setup. Is there one?
Suraj Chandran
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3 answers

How to start osgi console (Equinox)

I'm trying to start an OSGi console in Windows 7. I used this statement on a terminal window: java -jar org.eclipse.osgi.jar -console But it doesn't work that is nothing does happen nor doesn't appear prompt osgi>. And typing on keyboard is…
Andrea Scarpa
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4 answers

Using an OSGi Bundle from a Java Web Application in Tomcat

I am trying to invoke a method of an OSGi bundle from a Java Web Application. Both are supposed to run on Tomcat 7. I already wrote a normal Java application that invokes methods from the OSGi bundle, as described on this site:…
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2 answers

What is the difference between Equinox and Virgo?

I'm sure I'll understand the difference as I start doing more stuff related to OSGi, but I thought it was a good question to ask since it's unclear to me from a couple quick Google searches. If anyone has a clear, concise answer…
4 answers

How modify Eclipse locations to prevent write to user.home directory?

I have tried all different settings, and yes, I m aware of eclipse.ini and config.ini and also tried different command line arguments! Nothing solved my problem! All attempts and still each time I run eclipse.exe it wants write to my userhome i.e.…
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4 answers

How do I compute equinox/solstice moments?

What algorithms or formulas are available for computing the equinoxes and solstices? I found one of these a few years ago and implemented it, but the precision was not great: the time of day seemed to be assumed at 00:00, 06:00, 12:00, and 18:00…
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5 answers

How to change value of 'Read timeout' of Eclipse's Update Manager?

How to change value of 'Read timeout' of Eclipse's Update Manager? I have slow internet connection and I cannot install any plugin, because Eclipse's Update manager throws me exception: Transfer Exception Read timed…
Alex Siman
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2 answers

What do these OSGi commands really do?

Using Felix / Equinox, what do the following do under the hood? osgi:install osgi:refresh osgi:resolve osgi:restart osgi:update Is there a state-machine diagram or more concise documentation somewhere?
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