Questions tagged [gmsplacepicker]

Use this tag for questions related to the GMSPlacePicker class as provided in the Google Maps SDK for iOS.

80 questions
2 answers

Place Picker Deprecated

I received an email today regarding the Google Place Picker. "The Place Picker is deprecated as of January 29, 2019. This feature will be turned off on July 29, 2019, and will no longer be available after that date. You must install the…
3 answers

How to get country, city from place picker's address?

I am using a place picker's intent to get the place. Now I want to save address in separated form as country,city,pincode,state. How can I get all this from the place picker's address? Code: public class NameOfBusinessFragment extends Fragment { …
0 answers

How to remove "Select this location" from GMSPlacePicker Dialog

Dears, I want to make the user restricted to choose places only from the GMSPlacepicker and not giving them the option to press the "Select this location" which send Long & Lat only without place name. So my question is hot to remove the "Select…
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Android Place Picker (PlacePicker) no longer has Search icon after updating to Google Play Services 9.0.83

Very recently some of my users began reporting that the search icon had disappeared from the PlacePicker UI widget. I was able to isolate the issue to updating to Google Play Services 9.0.83. Has anybody found a workaround to get the search icon…
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Place picker won't open on my phone

I have made an app with a place picker. It opens on my (API 19) emulator, and my (android 6.0) friends phone, but in mine it just opens a black activity that closes right after (my phone is also android 6.0), with this error: E/AndroidRuntime:…
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is there any way to get city name for Google Place picker android

I am trying to get city name from Google place picker. is there any way that we can get city name using place picker API. i know we can not simply get it from API by placing place.getCity(); Below is my code. protected void onActivityResult(int…
Asesha George
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iOS Swift 3 - Did anyone manage to implement Google Place API's new GMSPlacePickerViewController with custom UI?

I'm currently re-building an app that using the PlacePicker from Google Place API to get data that user can then add on my map. In the past, I used the GMSPlacePicker which is now deprecated since Google release their Place API 2.3. So I'm…
Edouard Barbier
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Google Places Autocomplete API filter type "address" returns places of type "route" via iOS SDK

Google Places API for iOS version: 2.2.30010.0 Code: let filter = GMSAutocompleteFilter() filter.type = .address = "us" return filter When searching for example Montrose with filter of type address & country us, the search results…
1 answer

How to use Place Picker even if now its deprecated?

I am developing an application right now and I am using place picker, but right now its deprecated. I want to still use it in my app until its completely gone. What do i need to do? I tried to use the compat library of the places but i got an error…
0 answers

google place services crashes on calling PlacePicker api

I am using following code to launch place picker API. try { PlacePicker.IntentBuilder builder = new PlacePicker.IntentBuilder(); startActivityForResult(, PLACE_PICKER_REQUEST); }…
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Android PlacePicker API IntentBuilder location confirmation dialog

I want to remove a confirmation dialog from Android PlacePicker API, is it possible?
Nishant Rajput
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Using PlacePicker in a fragment

I am trying to use the google placepicker from within a fragment that is part of my Android app. I cant seem to use the data being returned by the onActivityResult. I used a solution from…
5 answers

GMSPlacePicker not showing the map

I have integrated GMSPlacePickerConfig for iOS and the place picker is working - so I can see places around me and also search using the auto complete. The only problem I have at the moment is wi the map which currently only displays the icons…
Doron Goldberg
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How to customize navigationbar in GooglePlacePicker on Swift4?

I'd have tried to customize NavigationController in GooglePlacePicker on Swift4, but there is not working what I want. Does anyone know how to change navigation UI in placePicker on Swift4? Thank you for reading this! @IBAction func pickPlaceBtn(_…
Samuel K.
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GoogleMaps : Check if given marker position co ordinate is a road

I have this project which uses GMSKit(GoogleMap kit) in iOS(ObjectiveC) and there is a requirement that some random points are to be generated near the user's current location. I have successfully generated random points but now what I want is to…
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