Questions tagged [gui-design]

24 questions
2 answers

Java: MiGLayout: How to use `hidemode`?

I am starting out using MiGLayout for my GUI design, and one of the features I would need is to show/hide certain components based on the state of other components. I was going to code this myself, when I noticed that one of the Component…
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2 answers

UI Design Help / Advice

I have a dillema where our client relations department has been brought in for advice on UI and I vehemently disagree with it...even though I don't consider myself a designer at all. While I have been vocal about my disagreement about it, I've been…
Greg Andora
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7 answers

How to indicate that a column in a table is sortable (UI design question)?

In the application that I am working on, there is tabular data (for the record, it is a Java Swing app using JTables). In some cases the data is sortable by clicking on the column headers. What I want to know is what is a good way to indicate to the…
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1 answer

Guidelines for GUI design for a risk analysis app

In my free time, I'm working on a risk analysis application. I have already finished the mathematical and simulation engines, but I'm stuck with the design of the user interface. I want my application to be as easy-to-use as possible for Excel…
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2 answers

How are fancy graphical user interfaces coded?

I'm wondering about "fancy GUIes" are made. When I say that, I have in mind softwares like iTunes, Picasa, Skype, Songbird, Spotify, Vlc (themed) ... everything that breaks with standard GUI in which languages? what frameworks/tools are used?
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2 answers

Displaying form errors with HTML5's new input types

Currently, HTML5's new input types, simply focus on any offending text-boxes with mismatching user input upon form submission. Problem: Focusing is fine. However it's a very…
Jan Julian
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3 answers

Which is the best design practice for edit data in RIA?

First of all it is a UI design question! Which is the best design practice for edit data in RIA, for example in Flex or Silverlight? I would like to show customer's details, but there will be an edit window, than the datas of customer will be…
1 answer

Netbeans: Go from javax.swing item declaration to its display in UI design tab

I've got a couple years of programming experience under my belt and am starting work as a software development intern. I was given a big program that is 70% done being written. There are several thousand codes of line already in place. Much of it…
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0 answers

Easing function of Microsoft office 2013 animations

Making use of animations, had became easy and straightforward in designing GUI for almost all platforms. But selection of easing function dramatically affect the user experience, and I think the easing function used in MS Office 2013 (and probably…
Alireza Mirian
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0 answers

Reducing flicker in a real-time graph?

I am rendering a scatter plot every 5 seconds where the X-axis denotes time and Y-axis denotes a set of names ordered alphabetically. A set of data points (say, 'X's) can optionally be grouped into a category and so I use a color to show this.…
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2 answers

Recommendation for Layout Manager

I am creating a GUI for an arcade game. It consist of a single JFrame with some JPanels and one JMenu as shown in the figure: I've been trying using BorderLayout but it doesn't show the panels properly. What I get is that the JMenu shows properly.…
Ángel Araya
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1 answer

GUI Design Terminology

I am looking for the graphic design terminology for describing themed buttons used in a web application. The way I understand it is that certain color/backgrounds are created and various sized and shaped buttons use the background to display. I have…
Mary Camacho
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1 answer

Expanding Panel on click to view hidden controls

I am currently working on a C# wpf project. What I was looking for is a GUI control that can have other GUI controls inside but are hidden and when the user clicks on the GUI control it then expands the panel to reveal the hidden GUI components. I…
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2 answers

Best way to access nested window from another nested window

GUI application has following windows hierarchy: CMainWnd <---- main window CLeftPane CRightPane <---- left and right panes (views) CLDlg1 CLDlg2 CRDlg1 CRDlg2 …
Bojan Komazec
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2 answers

JMeter - Function Helper's parameters panel hides parameters on more than 2 parameters

When using Function Helper with function with more than 2 parameters, as __timeShift, it's hard to view and the parameters, because panel shows only 2 parameters in screen. Can I enlarge parameters panel in UI to see all parameters? If not can this…
Ori Marko
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