Questions tagged [user-experience]

The user experience (UX) is the experiential, affective, meaningful and valuable aspects of human-computer interaction and product ownership, but also a person’s perceptions of the practical aspects such as utility, ease of use and efficiency of the system. Essentially, it's about how a person feels about using a product.

User experience is dynamic as it is constantly modified over time due to changing usage circumstances and changes to individual systems as well as the wider usage context in which they can be found. The end-user experience is about how the user interacts and experience the product.

Note: There's now an entire Stack Exchange site devoted to the subject of User Experience, so please consider whether your question would be better asked there.

Questions on Stack Overflow should be about the implementation of something that arises as a result of UX considerations. It could cover things like:

  • AJAX updates of web pages to avoid page refreshes.
  • Implementation of validation of and verification schemes

They should not be about whether design "A" is better than design "B" etc.

1697 questions
31 answers

Save icon: Still a floppy disk?

I'm working on a project where the user is able to save their work (most likely to the HDD but also possibly any other media, including floppy disks). Sure, the popular File > Save option is there but what about a toolbar button? By far the most…
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9 answers

Setting background colour of Android layout element

I am trying to, somewhat clone the design of an activity from a set of slides on Android UI design. However I am having a problem with a very simple task. I have created the layout as shown in the image, and the header is a TextView in a…
Bjarke Freund-Hansen
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10 answers

ASP.NET MVC Custom Error Handling Application_Error Global.asax?

I have some basic code to determine errors in my MVC application. Currently in my project I have a controller called Error with action methods HTTPError404(), HTTPError500(), and General(). They all accept a string parameter error. Using or…
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10 answers

What is a better way to sort by a 5 star rating?

I'm trying to sort a bunch of products by customer ratings using a 5 star system. The site I'm setting this up for does not have a lot of ratings and continue to add new products so it will usually have a few products with a low number of ratings. I…
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2 answers

Client-side "Feature Tour" (tutorial/instructional) overlay system?

Is there a system/framework in existence which focuses on providing tutorial / help like overlays in the browser? Example: You have a webapp which requires a certain level of instruction to the user. In this instruction process you wish to…
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2 answers

How long should you debounce text input

Lets say we have a simple example as below. What we're doing is introducing a small…
Sam Shiles
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4 answers

Hide traceback unless a debug flag is set

What is the idiomatic python way to hide traceback errors unless a verbose or debug flag is set? Example code: their_md5 = 'c38f03d2b7160f891fc36ec776ca4685' my_md5 = 'c64e53bbb108a1c65e31eb4d1bb8e3b7' if their_md5 != my_md5: raise…
matt wilkie
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6 answers

JavaScript in or just before ?

I am about to embark on a new web project and I plan to put some JavaScripts in the and also some before , using the following scheme: Scripts that are essential for the UX of the page: in the . As I've picked up perusing the…
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4 answers

How to set initial values for NSUserDefault Keys?

I want to set some initial values for my NSUserDefault keys so that the first run of the app has some reasonable initial settings. I thought I ran across a simple way to do this in the app bundle .plist, but now I can't find it. Any ideas?
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1 answer

RTL Support: Disabling it only for specific UI components

I have a custom video player Activity. I am forced to enable RTL Support in my Application. But doing so will result in a Right-To-Left aligned ProgressBar. (And that looks ugly) I want my ProgressBar to stay LTR in my RTL enabled Application. Is…
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9 answers

Possible to detect if a user has multiple tabs of your site open?

I'm just thinking about the whole site registration process. A user goes to your site, signs up, and then you tell him you've sent him an email and he needs to verify his email address. So he hits Ctrl+T, pops open a new tab, hits his Gmail fav…
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7 answers

Is it wrong to use the hand cursor for clickable items such as buttons?

I've always thought the hand cursor to be the ideal visual indicator for "you may click here" to the user. We are used to see it in this context daily because of it's usage on hyperlinks and hence all web buttons.                   However, most…
6 answers

How to make opaque tutorial screen in flutter?

I want to make tutorial screen that show to user at beginning. it's like below : my specific question, how to make some certain elements will show normally and other are opaque ? also the arrow and text, how to make them point perfectly based on…
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11 answers

Characters to avoid in automatically generated passwords

I need to generate some passwords, I want to avoid characters that can be confused for each other. Is there a definitive list of characters I should avoid? my current list is il10o8B3Evu![]{} Are there any other pairs of characters that are easy to…
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5 answers

Make a wizard like application in Android

Which you think is the best way of doing a wizard like application (user can navigate between screens with a next and back button, and each screen has to save some state data) in Android platform. I mainly can think in two approaches: Having one…
Lucas S.
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