Questions tagged [metro-ui-css]

Metro UI CSS a set of styles to create a site with an interface similar to Windows 8.

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84 questions
2 answers

set Z index not working. button behind a container (HTML - CSS)

I using Metro css (windows 8 style) and have a problem. I have container with alerts (the blue in the picture) , and above , there is 'IT -CENTER ' , If I click there it open a button. the problem that the button behind the container.. I try to set…
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1 answer

Font Awesome with Metro UI CSS

I am using Metro UI project with my layout. I also added the font awesome into my project but when I use the metro and font awesome together, there have some issues:
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4 answers

ASP.NET CheckBoxList ListItem not wrapping in one line

I'm having some trouble when using the CheckBoxList control. As you can see in this picture:, each ListItem is showing in 2 separate lines instead of just one. This is the code:
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1 answer

Is there any modern way to wrap text around a transparent image?

I've been trying to recreate this as a webpage As you can see, the description of the plant interacts with the bounding box of the image. Since I want this webpage to be able to display dynamic content, it is not…
Xceptional Bro
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2 answers

metro ui css tile element-selected doesn't work

Visual Studio 2013, ASP.NET web form, metro UI CSS 3.0 I'm trying to create a tile element-selected that looked like the one in this site
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4 answers

Restore input type=number spinners in chrome

I have an application which theme is based on Metro UI CSS which hides the (I think) nice and usefull spinners Chrome adds when using . I am trying to "override" this rule, but I can't figure out what value I have to set it…
Christoph Fink
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1 answer

MetroUI: Cannot change data-autocomplete attribute in autocomplete input tags

I want to create a dynamic autocomplete input that can be updated using metroui and its jquery-like m4q . Based on its documentation, I need to set the data-autocomplete attribute in the input tag, but the updated data is not shown after I set it…
Fawwaz Yusran
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1 answer

Can't change dart theme style for metro list view in c#

I use metro ui form and tried to change dark theme style for metro listview. But I don't know why metro list view them is always a light theme when I run And when I run it, It's always a light themes style. Is there any wrong with metro listview
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1 answer

Recursion does not work properly

I have some trouble with a recursive function for creating a TreeView (using MetroUI) from some XML-Data. In the first scope, so the first level of the Tree, is created as expected, but the second one is not created. My XML-data has the following…
Niklas F
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1 answer

Create Automated Horizontal Scrolling Tiles with different scrolling with pure CSS

I want to create news horizontal scrolling tiles slider with pure css without JS I tried using FlexBox, .spotlight-wrapper { width: 100%; overflow-x: auto; } .spotlight-wrapper .spotlight { list-style: none; height: 230px; …
Anas Tawfeek
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1 answer

Metro UI video doesn't stop when dialog closes

I am using the Metro UI Template, but I have a problem with the dialog when using Videos. When I close the dialog, the video continues playing. The code I have is: