Questions tagged [osx-server]

OS X Server was a server operating system distributed by Apple Inc. which was architecturally identical to its desktop counterpart OS X, with additional functionality.

OSX-Server is a computer with Server Operating System similar to Desktop Operating System with additional administration, management and additional server programs for management purpose of several group of computers. For more technical detail please visit technical specification

As of version 10.7, Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server were combined into one release and re-branded as OS X. A separate "server" operating system is no longer sold; the server-specific server applications and work group management and administration software tools from Mac OS X Server are now offered as OS X Server, an add-on package for OS X sold through the Mac App Store

249 questions
20 answers

Socket File "/var/pgsql_socket/.s.PGSQL.5432" Missing In Mountain Lion (OS X Server)

I just upgraded my MacMini Server from Lion Server to Mountain Lion using OS X Server. I am having the same problem with PostgreSQL that I did last year when I first installed Lion Server. When I try to do any kind of PostgreSQL terminal command I…
2 answers

UI Test Case not show code coverage

I have some tests written using XCTestCase classes and I want to calculate code coverage. For the regular test it is shown nicely in my bot, but for UI Tests is always 0%. The simplest test: import XCTest class FAQUITests: XCTestCase { let app…
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3 answers

Using MDM To Configure An Enterprise App Via NSUserDefaults

I'm using Profile Manager in OS X Server 3.0.1 on 10.9 to push my enterprise app to a managed device running iOS7. This is working well, and I am also able to push device configuration settings. My roadblock is how to take the information offered…
xi golom
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Set environment variable (ENV) for use in Rails

Experimenting with MongoID on a Rails server and confused about how/where to set the environment variables. config/mongoid.yml default template provides: defaults: &defaults host: localhost ... # set these environment variables on your prod…
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Elasticsearch Parse Exception error when attempting to index PDF

I'm just getting started with elasticsearch. Our requirement has us needing to index thousands of PDF files and I'm having a hard time getting just ONE of them to index successfully. Installed the Attachment Type plugin and got response: Installed…
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What is Bud1% @ @ @ @E%DSDB` @ @ @?

I have made a small app for a client. The app scans a files directory which contains several text files. It then reads each file into a string. Every file has a title and the article text. The two parts are separated with a pipe character like…
Majid Fouladpour
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4 answers

Xcode 9 enable Server fails because "xcsd" keychain password

I currently try to setup an Xcode Server with Xcode 9 but I stuck with this Keychain Password request. I guess it has something to do with the previous Xcode/OS X Server Installation as there Xcode Server was part of OS X Server. But how do I get…
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5 answers

OS X 3.2.1 CI "pending integration"

Over the past few days, I've been working on getting CI working with an external mac mini running OS X Server. However, I have been having many problems with OS X Server 3.2.1 and XCode 6.1b3. It looks like Apple fixed an issue in Xcode 6.1b3 which…
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0 answers

Continuous Integration & Deployment - Xcode 6.1, OS X Server 4, Testflight, Cocoapods

With the recent release of Apple software, I could not find any up-to-date solutions for continuous integration & deployment using the new Xcode 6.1, OS X Server 4, and TestFlight (Apple's alpha/beta distribution platform). After hours of…
1 answer

Unable to update Xcode server from Xcode 9.4.1 to Xcode 10

I updated my Mac Mini to Mojave also updated to Xcode 10, I've Xcode server configured in my Xcode 9.4.1 it was running even having some issues like couldn't able to install IPA directly into the device. Today I updated my Xcode and tried to update…
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3 answers

Could not determine bundle identifier for xxxTest TEST_HOST

We do have troubles getting our CI to work with Xcode. We encounter the issue Could not determine bundle identifier for xxxTest TEST_HOST: some path that does not exist. What we have done so far: On the CI Machine we are able to run all tests on…
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Xcode Server 4.0 git push from build trigger script

I installed an Xcode Bot for a project that is hosted on github. I followed the steps and setup bot to use my existing SSH key. The verification succeeds and the project will checkout and build. I then added a shell script in the pre-trigger…
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7 answers

How do I add certificates for OS X Server 3.2.1 with Xcode 6.0.1

After I have upgraded both Xcode (to 6.0.1) and OS X Server (to 3.2.1) I can't figure out how to add certificates for the provisioning profiles so the Xcode bot can find them. I have successfully added the provisioning file by copying the…
4 answers

Could not create directory /var/teamsserver

I've installed os x server (Mavericks) on my mac and would like to add bot. For some reasons my remote repo is located on other external server and I have access to it by username and password on specified port. I've added remote repo to os x server…
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SSH: localhost closes connection after successful login

When I try to ssh into localhost, it accepts the public key and immediately closes the connection. I've been going through pages of Google results for hours now with no progress. Here's what I get after ssh -v user@localhost: OpenSSH_5.9p1,…
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