Questions tagged [selected]

This is a general tag for one or more GUI elements visually selected by the user.

This is a general tag for one or more GUI element(s) visually selected by the user. No selected element has to have the focus.

879 questions
44 answers

Setting "checked" for a checkbox with jQuery

I'd like to do something like this to tick a checkbox using jQuery: $(".myCheckBox").checked(true); or $(".myCheckBox").selected(true); Does such a thing exist?
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15 answers

UIButton: set image for selected-highlighted state

I set an images for button's states Normal,Highlighted and Selected, but when the button in selected state and I press/highlight it I didn't see my highlighted image but just grayed picture. Is it possible to set an image for highlighted state when…
  • 8,330
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9 answers

How to set a selected option of a dropdown list control using angular JS

I am using Angular JS and I need to set a selected option of a dropdown list control using angular JS. Forgive me if this is ridiculous but I am new with Angular JS Here is the dropdown list control of my html