Questions tagged [talend]

Talend is an open source integration vendor that provides software for data integration, data quality, master data management, big data, business process management and service-oriented architecture.

Talend offers integration software along five axes:

  • Data Integration (ETL and ELT)
  • Data Quality (Profiling, Cleansing, Stewardship)
  • Master Data Management
  • Enterprise Service Bus (ESB - SOA)
  • Big Data

For each of these domains, Talend offers a freely downloadable version of their software licensed under GPL, and an extended enterprise version that comes under a subscription license but also includes access to the source code if desired.

On the open source side, the product list is:

  • "Talend Open Studio for Data Integration"
  • "Talend Open Studio for Data Quality"
  • "Talend Open Studion for MDM" - Master Data Management
  • "Talend Open Studio for ESB" and "Talend ESB Standard Edition" - Enterprise Service Bus
  • "Talend Open Studio for Big Data"
  • "Talend Data Preparation Free Desktop"
  • "Talend Data Streams Free Edition"
2775 questions
1 answer

How to parse data in Talend with Java (coming from a previously produced .txt file)?

I have a process in Talend which gets the search result of a page, saves the html and writes it into files, as seen here: Initially I had a two step process with parsing out the date from the HTML files in Java. Here is the code: It works and…
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3 answers

alter table then update in single statement

I have a requirement where I need to Alter (Add 2 columns) and then update the same table. Here is the query I tried: ALTER TABLE A ADD c1 int,c2 varchar(10) UPDATE A set c1 = 23, c2 = 'ZZXX' I need to run the above two queries at a time. I am…
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6 answers

Talend project in SVN

I need to use Talend Open Studio with a SVN. What is the folder that I should put in the repository?
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2 answers

Transactions in Talend

I want to perform transactions while writing into DB in Talend, but don't know how. I tried various component from palette, but couldn't manage to perform. I would appreciate any help or even better any tutorial related to this topic. Thanks!
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5 answers

Straight Java/Groovy versus ETL tool (Talend/etc) - what libraries would you use?

Assume you have a small project which on the surface looks like a good match for an ETL tool like Talend. But assume further, that you have never used Talend and furthermore, you do not trust "visual programming" tools in general and would rather…
Alex R
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5 answers

Difference between Talend Open Studio for Data Integration and Talend Open Studio for Big Data

I'm confused by the different products that Talend offer. It seems that Talend Open Studio for Data Integration and Talend Open Studio for Big Data are the same product but just with different components installed by default. Is that right? If I use…
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3 answers

How to add third party libraries to Talend project?

How to add third party libraries (jar files) to a Talend project ? One more question is, Each Talend component uses LogFactory, but in my case it is throwing java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory at ... with…
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4 answers

Front End for Running Talend Jobs

I am looking for a front end for our operator to run our Talend jobs. We do not want him to have the ability to delete or modify jobs. Only to run them and monitor their results. Any suggestions for tools for doing this? Thanks
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1 answer

Talend increment counter

I'm making a ETL in Talend that add data in a table. The table is for a old system and the primary key is not auto-incremental. So I have to get the maximum id plus one every time that I insert a value in the table. I'm trying to use a var in the…
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2 answers

Talend how to open talend.project file

I am complete new to talend and inherited some projects from someone who has left our company. I can not figure out how to open the job and edit it. I downloaded and is running Talend DI. When I try to import the project I get the message. "Selected…
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3 answers

What is the required language knowledge to use Informatica effectively?

In the next few weeks, my company will be engaging multiple vendors to establish a choice for a common global ETL tool - not necessarily one that can't be broken from, but just where our license investment will go to consolidate those costs. Two of…
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3 answers

Talend Open Studio ESB user feedback please (versus jbossesb/mule/servicemix)

I'm doing a quick review of ESB's and so far I've been surprised and impressed with the Talend ESB. I was really expecting Mule, one of the more well recognized open source esb, to be the defacto. Before I commit after only an academic and basic…
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8 answers

how to load data faster with talend and sql server

I use Talend to load data into a sql-server database. It appears that the weakest point of my job is not the dataprocessing, but the effective load in my database, which is not faster than 17 rows/sec. The funny point is that I can launch 5 jobs in…
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1 answer

Talend greenplumRow error handling

I want to create views in greenplum HAWQ using a simple talend job, that would basically have a fileinput that contains all the views then I need to execute the CREATE VIEW script. Since these views (50-60.000) come from an oracle system I need to…
Balazs Gunics
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3 answers

How can I use tFileExist component in Talend?

Using Talend, I want to verify if there is a file named ListePS.xls in my D:/ to do some treatment else nothing. How do I check if file exists in Talend?
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