Questions tagged [upstream-branch]

60 questions
6 answers

When doing a 'git push', what does '--set-upstream' do?

What does git --set-upstream do? I tried to understand it by reading the git manual, but I didn't quite get it.
4 answers

How read the current upstream for a git branch

I'm searching a git command to know the upstream associated with an existing branch (if any). (some kind of "read" command associated with the "write" command git branch --set-upstream-to=...) The reason is I use a branch connected with several…
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Git merge commits from a specific upstream release

Scenario: I've forked a github project and begun working on it (after adding the original project as a remote called 'upstream'). While working on my fork, a number of releases are made to the upstream project: v1.3-stable, v1.4-stable,…
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1 answer

How do I do git status upstream?

In my forked repository I have set up a remote origin and remote upstream (the original repo). git status compare to origin. How do I compare to upstream? Thank you
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What is the standard way of keeping a fork in sync with upstream on collaborative projects?

Newbie open-source contributor here. I forked the TortoiseGit repository on GitLab, then cloned it on my computer, edited one file, and committed to branch master. A few days have passed and I want to update my local working copy with the latest…
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Difference between `git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/ mybranch` and `git remote add upstream URL`

I have a repo in my account which is not forked from anywhere. But when I tried to do git pull in one of the branches, I got this message: There is no tracking information for the current branch. Please specify which branch you want to merge…
Knowledge Man
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Fast-forwarding and rebase in git

I am reading this and for the most part, I get it. I think I understand rebasing (it obtains a more linear git log history without having to make a commit that is just a three-way commit) I also think I understand the git diagrams. But there are a…
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git - is there a reference to upstream branch?

I can ask for differences since I started on a feature branch: git diff upstream-branch... But it requires that I know what the upstream branch is. Is there a reference for the upstream branch, whatever it may be without me knowing before hand or…
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trying to use git fetch to update my non-master branch to source

I have used the steps outlined here to successfully update my master branch of the fork. So the master branch of the fork is now even with the original source's master. I have several different branches and I wanted to make one of them (called…
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Understanding : git push --set-upstream "refspec" with and without prefixing "HEAD"

I have local git branch that has no reference to upstream origin. I have made some changes to local branch and committed the same locally. I am now trying to push to remote origin. When I tried: git push --set-upstream origin…
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1 answer

Routing traffic to outside Kubernetes using Traefik Ingress Controller

I am using Traefik as ingress controller for my Kubernetes cluster. It is working fine, and as expected for all of the use-cases except one. I have few services/applications, all serving on the same URL/Host, but on a different path. Till now all…
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How to checkout to another remote in GitHub?

I'm using two repositories on github named as origin and upstream. I can checkout to different branch with git checkout [branch-name] only within origin. I cannot checkout to another repo upstream. I have used -t option but it didn't work. The error…
jin yun
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How to configure 'git push -u' to infer the remote branch name?

I checkout a new branch git checkout -b mynewbranch make some changes and commit them git add * git commit -m "Initial commit on this branch" Then I go to push. Since I haven't set an upstream branch, git informs me I must specify the…
Shaun Hamman
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Fetch and Merge into all Branches at once from Upstream Repository

I have a github fork, which I have cloned onto my computer. On the original project, I have opened many PRs, and each of them correspond to their own branch (I don't use master). From time to time, I occasionally run the following command: git fetch…
Arnav Borborah
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2 answers

git: can't create upstream branch

The problem I'm going bananas due to this git (or github?) idiosyncrasy - I've created a new branch, but I can't push it to the upstream repo on github. This is not the first branch I'm pushing on this repo, and everything went smooth so…
Adam Matan
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