Questions tagged [weblogic]

WebLogic Server is a Java EE application server from Oracle. WebLogic Server is the centerpiece of Oracle's Fusion Middleware platform.

WebLogic is an Oracle owned brand that builds a complete product suite consisting of a couple of Java EE related products, such as:

  1. Java EE application server, WebLogic Application Server
  2. WebLogic JRockit JVM
  3. WebLogic RealTime Edition
  4. Virtual Assembly Builder

WebLogic came to Oracle through the acquisition of BEA Systems Inc. in 2008. See the Wikipedia entry for a complete history.


6049 questions
2 answers

SessionTimeout: web.xml vs session.maxInactiveInterval()

I'm trying to timeout an HttpSession in Java. My container is WebLogic. Currently, we have our session timeout set in the web.xml file, like this 15 Now, I'm being told that…
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2 answers

What is t3 protocol in weblogic server?

Recently I started working with weblogic and see references to t3 in urls that appear in logs. What is this t3 protocol?
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13 answers

Weblogic or JBoss?

I am a long time Java developer on JBoss(and Tomcat). In the last year I had to develop over WebLogic and I have to say - I really miss JBoss. Since my experience with WebLogic is pretty shallow, I am asking the more experienced guys out there: Is…
Avi Y
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19 answers

Why is itshowing your JDK 'C:\Program Files\Java\jre7' is not a valid JDK while installing WebLogic server?

It's showing - This installer must be executed using a Java Development Kit (JDK) but C:\Program Files\Java\jre7 is not a valid JDK. - while installing the WebLogic server. I have installed the 64-bit JDK version 1.7. Where am I making a…
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8 answers

Optimal number of connections in connection pool

Currently we are using 4 cpu windows box with 8gb RAM with MySQL 5.x installed on same box. We are using Weblogic application server for our application. We are targeting for 200 concurrent users for our application (Obviously not for same…
Silent Warrior
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5 answers

Indirectly referenced from required .class file

I'm getting an error message when I try to build my project in eclipse: The type weblogic.utils.expressions.ExpressionMap cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files I've looked online for a solution and cannot find…
Ryan Thames
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7 answers

Understanding servlet container

As a UI devloper and someone with very limited Java knowledge, how do I understand what exactly is servlet container in simple terms ? I have heard Weblogic, JBoss, etc are servlet containers, but not sure what that means exactly. Does it mean any…
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9 answers

How to Force Thread Dump in Eclipse?

I'm launching a Weblogic application inside Eclipse via the BEA Weblogic Server v9.2 runtime environment. If this were running straight from the command-line, I'd do a ctrl-BREAK to force a thread dump. Is there a way to do it in Eclipse?
Paul Croarkin
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6 answers

Weblogic Transaction Timeout : how to set in admin console in WebLogic AS 8.1

I face the following exception: weblogic.transaction.internal.TimedOutException: Transaction timed out after 300 seconds this is set within the Stateless Session EJB Bean as javax.transaction.UserTransaction…
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6 answers

Troubleshooting connections stuck in CLOSE_WAIT status

I have a Java application running in WebLogic 11g on Windows, which after several days, becomes unresponsive. One suspicious symptom I've noticed is that a large number of connections (about 3000) show up in netstat with a CLOSE_WAIT status even…
Rob H
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2 answers

Session Management in microservices

We have the following setup. STM (Stingrey Traffic Manager) does load balancing + session stickiness Weblogic 'cluster' Auth handled by a third party tool Therefore I do not have to worry about session with regards to horizontal scaling/ running…
Fahim Farook
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2 answers

Disabling WADL in WebLogic12.2.1

I'm trying to disable the WADL without using JMX options or web.xml options. Simple JAX-RS Application Class as follows: @ApplicationPath("resources") public class TestWADL extends Application { public Map getProperties() { …
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3 answers

Where should I start investigating SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out

Every now and then I see following stacktrace in the log in which, HttpClient socket times out trying to access text/script content from another server. My question is what config settings should I check for my J2EE app running on Weblogic, on…
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8 answers

Speed up Weblogic Server startup times

At my work, we use Weblogic Server to host an enterprise portal. Which is fine. However, I've recently had the opportunity to use Tomcat for some side projects, and I am struck by the incredible difference in speed. Tomcat takes 3-5 seconds to start…
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8 answers

Tomcat vs Weblogic JNDI Lookup

The Weblogic servers we are using have been configured to allow JNDI datasource names like "appds". For development (localhost), we might be running Tomcat and when declared in the section of server.xml, Tomcat will hang JNDI datasources…
Luther Baker
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