So I am trying to push my initial commit using the create-react-app from a local git build. My .gitignore looks like such:

# See https://help.github.com/ignore-files/ for more about ignoring files.

# dependencies

# testing

# production

# misc


And my directory looks like this:

enter image description here

Left the directory structure the same by default, so why is it uploaded node_modules as well?


So revised that in my git ignore, but it seemed to have still pushed the `node_modules'. My git root is theapp > build / node_modules / public / etc... if that helps.

I went ahead and allowed it, but at the end of my push with git push azure master, I got this now:

enter image description here

Additionally, within windows, my file explorer looks like this:

enter image description here

Further thoughts?

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2 Answers2


/node_modules is looking at the root of your computer.

What you want is node_modules/. Which looks for that directory relative to your current position.

Jake Haller-Roby
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  • thanks for the info, but is failing. Added additional info to my original question. – Mark Jan 26 '18 at 22:11

After you fix your .gitignore file, the directory still remains in the history. To permanently remove node_modules from the history, see How to remove/delete a large file from commit history in Git repository?

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  • I did a `rm -rf .git` and that removed the hidden git folder and therefore should have removed the history as well. Is that not correct? Actually, I did that, did a `git init` and also reset the upstream repo within Azure. – Mark Jan 26 '18 at 22:59
  • @Mark That works, too, if you want to start over from scratch – Code-Apprentice Jan 26 '18 at 23:13