Questions tagged [android-6.0.1-marshmallow]

Android 6.0.1 is the successor of Android Marshmallow (6.0.0), released on 22.11.2015.

Android 6.0.1 is the successor of Android Marshmallow (6.0.0), released on 22.11.2015.

Some features were added in this release like:

  • Extended „do not disturb“-mode
  • Emoji from Unicode 7 and 8
  • Shortcut-key-combination for the camera app
  • Reordered navigation buttons for Pixel C
  • Security and stability fixes

Reference (German):

67 questions
18 answers

'Source code does not match the bytecode' when debugging on a device

I have an app which I am compiling against API level 21: and then debug it on a real device with API level 23: The problem is when I try debugging through the Android OS's own classes, I get 'Source code does not match the bytecode'. Why is this…
2 answers

Spinner inner padding is larger on Android 6.0.1

Intro: With the new release of Android 6.0.1, seems like Android made some changes on the Spinner component because by default, the inner padding around the down carrot is a bit bigger. I noticed this on an app where I haven't modified anything in…
1 answer

OutOfMemory error on Android 6.0.1 devices after the second launch

My project was working until I updated my S6 Edge to Android 6.0.1. The app crashes with an OutOfMemory error after the second launch. The application contains 2000+ images in the directory and I am using a timer to increment a counter and display…
3 answers

android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException File res/drawable/$my_app_img__0.xml from color state list resource ID #0x7f07000a

I have ImageView with app:srcCompat="@drawable/my_app_img" I get: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException File res/drawable/$my_app_img__0.xml from color state list resource ID #0x7f07000a on Android 6 and do not get it on 8 and…
1 answer

Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.widget.Editor$SelectionModifierCursorController.hide()' on a null object reference

This error seems to be happening only on Samsung phones using Android 6.0.1. or 7.0: Fatal Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.widget.Editor$SelectionModifierCursorController.hide()' on a null…
1 answer

How to update android emulator to 6.0.1

I am getting error 'E/Surface: getSlotFromBufferLocked: unknown buffer: 0xab7cffe0'. Upon research, I got understood that it is known issue in android 6.0. How to update android emulator from 6.0 to 6.0.1? In SDK manager I can see Android 7.0 and…
1 answer

IllegalStateException using Ripple Effect Library on Android M Devices

Using this library to implement Ripple Effect and it works just fine except on Android M devices. On Android M Devices getting IllegalStateException that says Underflow in restore - more restores than saves FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process:…
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2 answers

Issue on Android 6.0.1 "Fatal Exception: android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException"

I'm seeing this error in our crash logging coming from only Android 6.0.1 devices, but not device specific. Fatal Exception: android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token null is not valid; is your activity running? …
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2 answers

Android 6.0 "gps" location provider requires ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission

I have all the premissions defined in my manifest for using gps. Like "uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" /> "uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/> Everytime I try to open…
0 answers

Android: Implement a custom ConnectionService which uses built-in telephony stack

I'm trying to implement a custom ConnectionService in my custom telephony-app. According to the documentation I need to select my registered PhoneAccount as default in the Phones settings menu. However when I'm registering a PhoneAccount to use the…
0 answers

How to give an app, running on my own AOSP -eng build, root permissions?

I'm building Android from source (for a custom ARM-based device). I have an app, which I want to have root permissions. In particular, I want my app to be able to run an arbitrary shell command as root. I've read lots of articles about how to root…
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1 answer

dex2oat Failing on Android 6/Marshmallow - Permission denied - Not instant run related

In our production build (done on a CI server, so no Instant Run), users are reporting that the app either: takes a long time (> 10 minutes) to install, possibly never completing or after rebooting, they see "Optimizing Apps 1 of 1" with our…
1 answer

Android FingerPrint isHardwareDetected not working

I have some problems whit the Samsung S5 and Huawei M2. My Huawei has not API 23 but my S5 has Android 6.0 and fingerPrint. public static boolean checkHaveFingerHardware(Context ctx) { FingerprintManager fingerprintManager; if…
0 answers

Problems streaming audio on Android 6.0.1 with mediaplayer

Since I updated my phone, a Samsung S6, to Android 6.0.1, mediaPlayer have started to behave strange. I use the MediaPlayer to stream .mp3 audio over http and it has earlier worked without any problems. Since this update almost all audio I stream…
1 answer

Is it possible to use not only status bar but the footer navigation view also for background image

I have searched everywhere but didn't get any help. I want to use a background image as full screen which will cover status bar and the footer navigation also which having a back button with home button and a task switcher button. Like below image:
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