Questions tagged [android-debug]

The Android SDK provides most of the tools that you need to debug your applications. This tag covers debugging concerns when developing Android applications.

The Android SDK provides most of the tools that you need to debug your applications. This tag covers debugging concerns when developing Android applications.

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426 questions
15 answers

How to use ADB Shell when Multiple Devices are connected? Fails with "error: more than one device and emulator"

$ adb --help -s SERIAL use device with given serial (overrides $ANDROID_SERIAL) $ adb devices List of devices attached emulator-5554 device 7f1c864e device $ adb shell -s 7f1c864e error: more than one device and emulator
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16 answers

Android app crashes when launched in debug mode

When I run in debug mode the app crashes, but when I just run it normally it works. I think the problem happens when the debugger is attached. Log: A/art: art/runtime/jdwp/] Check failed: Thread::Current() != GetDebugThread()…
40 answers

Debugging with Android Studio stuck at "Waiting For Debugger" forever

UPDATE The supposed duplicate is a question on being stucking in "Waiting For Debugger" when executing Run, while this question is on being stucking in "Waiting For Debugger" when executing Debug, the steps to produce the problem is different, and…
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21 answers

How to debug in Android Studio using adb over WiFi

I'm able to connect to my phone using adb connect, and I can adb shell also. But when I go to Run->Device Chooser, there are no devices there. What should I do to connect my (connected) adb Android Studio? When I plug it in through USB, it shows up…
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18 answers

'Source code does not match the bytecode' when debugging on a device

I have an app which I am compiling against API level 21: and then debug it on a real device with API level 23: The problem is when I try debugging through the Android OS's own classes, I get 'Source code does not match the bytecode'. Why is this…
7 answers

How to use Monitor (DDMS) tool to debug application

I'm switching my development environment from Eclipse to Android Studio these days. And I really enjoy its autocompletion and many other features this IDE provide. However, I have some problem when doing debugging. I hope to use Monitor tool which…
Arthur Wang
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4 answers

Disable ANR messages while debugging

While debugging an application and stopped at a breakpoint, Android repeatedly displays " isn't responding. Do you want to close it?" dialogs with a "wait" and "ok" option. Is there any way to disable those while an application is being…
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5 answers

React Native Android build failure with different errors without any changes in code for past days due to publish of React Native version 0.71.0-rc.0

Note: Error may be different but if you are getting any error when taking android build without any changes in code for past two days My Error - Failed to install the app. Error: Command failed: ./gradlew app:installDebug…
Thanhal P A
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7 answers

How to debug the Android App in release mode using Android studio

For some reason I have to run my Android App in release mode.I have to run through the code when running the app just like we use in debug mode. My break points are not hitting when I run in release mode, I have added android:debuggable="true" in…
Bazi Paleri
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12 answers

Android Logcat is empty when debug with device in android studio

When I try to debug using android device in android studio Logcat shows nothing. But when I use emulator LogCat shows all the messages. How should view the Logcat messages when debugging on actual device? Thank You !
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9 answers

Wake up Android with use adb or Eclipse (just before debug)?

How to wake up Android with use adb - I want to wake up (if asleep) Android terminal before debugging every new version of application. Typical flow is: 1. I do some changes in Eclipse. 2. In the meantime screen goes off or not. 3. I run "debug" and…
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4 answers

Android app runs very slowly after resuming from breakpoint

My Android app runs dead slow (almost frozen) after resuming from a Java breakpoint, even if I disconnect from the debugger or even unplug the USB cable. I get the same behavior on every device and emulator I've tried. Performance is great until it…
Barry Fruitman
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1 answer

How to debug/reset Android 6.0 permissions?

While migrating one of my apps to use the Android 6.0 permissions system, I found it very hard to debug permissions using the emulator. Findings: Disabling a permission in the app info screen doesn't re-show the grant permission dialog when using…
2 answers

Disable c++ debugger in AndroidStudio

Since AndroidStudio update 2.2, it takes a very long time for my native code app to start (I see a blank screen for ~20sec). My guess is that it's because it takes a long time for the c++ debugger to settle. Is its possible to disable it (and use…
Asaf Pinhassi
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3 answers

Surface::setbuffersDimensions Log being spammed

I have built an Android app that is working fine and as expected with a tablet: Acer. 7-inch API 21. I recently got a new tablet: Acer. 10-inch API 22. Now I am getting my logs spammed with this line. 04-12 18:23:27.371…
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