Questions tagged [python-venv]

Many questions here will have to do with how to setup virtual development environments for Python using the venv command (new as of Python 3.3), the differences between venv and other common packages, such as virtualenv, and the interaction between these virtual environments and other parts of your development system.

Python venv — Creation of virtual environments

The venv module provides support for creating lightweight “virtual environments” with their own site directories, optionally isolated from system site directories. Each virtual environment has its own Python binary (allowing creation of environments with various Python versions) and can have its own independent set of installed Python packages in its site directories.

Many questions here will have to do with how to setup virtual development environments for Python using the venv command (new as of Python 3.3), the differences between venv and other common packages, such as virtualenv, and the interaction between these virtual environments and other parts of your development system.

1349 questions
8 answers

What is the difference between venv, pyvenv, pyenv, virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper, pipenv, etc?

Python 3.3 includes in its standard library the new package venv. What does it do, and how does it differ from all the other packages that match the regex (py)?(v|virtual|pip)?env?
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22 answers

How do I remove/delete a virtualenv?

I created an environment with the following command: virtualenv venv --distribute Trying to remove it with the following command: rmvirtualenv venv does not work. I do an lson my current directory and I still see venv The only way I can remove it…
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18 answers

How can I activate a virtualenv in Linux?

I have been searching and tried various alternatives without success and spent several days on it now; it is driving me mad. I am running on Red Hat Linux with Python 2.5.2. I began using the most recent Virtualenv, but I could not activate it. I…
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12 answers

How to avoid "Permission denied" when using pip with virtualenv

I attempt to deploy a Python package with pip in a virtual environment on an Ubuntu machine, but encounter a permission-related issue. For example: (TestVirtualEnv)test@testServer:~$ pip install markdown2 terminates by: error: could not create…
Arseni Mourzenko
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2 answers

What's the difference between "virtualenv" and "-m venv" in creating Python Virtual environments

Sorry if I sound a bit foolish. I'm confused about this: What's the difference between the two: virtualenv myvenv and -m venv myvenv The first one works well for me in creating virtual environments while the other does not. I cd into my…
Prince Kwekowe
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7 answers

Activate python virtualenv in Dockerfile

I have a Dockerfile where I tried to activate python virtualenv so that, it should install all dependencies within this env. However, everything still gets installed globally. I used different approaches and none of them worked. I am also not…
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5 answers

remove virtual environment created with venv in python3

How can I delete a virtual environement created with python3 -m venv Can I just remove the directory? This seems like a question googling should easily answer, but I only found answers for deleting environments created with virtualenv or…
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4 answers

how can I find out which python virtual environment I am using?

I have several virtual environment in my computer and sometimes I am in doubt about which python virtual environment I am using. Is there an easy way to find out which virtual environment I am connected to?
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3 answers

PyCharm venv failed: 'no such option: --build-dir'

I'm doing a fresh install on a new Windows 10 laptop. I installed Python 3.9 and PyCharm Community 2020.2, then started a new project. In the project settings, I created a new project interpreter in a venv, inside the /venv folder. Everything looks…
Helenus the Seer
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8 answers

Why is python saying I have "no module named venv"?

I installed virtual env with sudo pip install virtualenv but when I run python -m venv flask I'm still getting this: /usr/bin/python: No module named venv Versions, if that's relevant: pip 1.5.6 from /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (python…
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6 answers

how to create a venv with a different python version

I have different venvs in my machine in which I have python 3.10. Now for a specific project, I realised that python 3.10 is not suitable as some libraries are still not compatible. Therefore when creating a new venv for a new project, I would like…
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6 answers

pip3 installs inside virtual environment with python3.6 failing due to ssl module not available

(py36venv) vagrant@pvagrant-dev-vm:/vagrant/venvs$ pip3 install pep8 pip is configured with locations that require TLS/SSL, however the ssl module in Python is not available. Collecting pep8 Could not fetch URL …
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4 answers

venv doesn't create activate script python3

When trying to create a virtulenv using venv with python 3 on ubuntu it isn’t creating an activate script. It conitunally exits with an error 1. Following docs and other posts on SO such as I have tried creating…
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5 answers

How do I use different Python version in venv from standard library? (Not virtualenv!)

I have installed Python 3.4.0 and created virtual environment with python -m venv myenv. How can I change Python version in my virtual environment? Documentation says: Each virtual environment has its own Python binary (allowing creation of…
George Sovetov
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2 answers

How to install python3.7 and create a virtualenv with pip on Ubuntu 18.04?

I'm trying to set up a standard virtual-environment(venv) with python 3.7 on Ubuntu 18.04, with pip (or some way to install packages in the venv). The standard way to install python3.7 seems to be: % sudo apt install python3.7 python3.7-venv %…
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