Questions tagged [video-conferencing]

Questions related to video conferencing. Video conferencing uses audio and video telecommunications to bring people at different sites together. This can be as simple as a conversation between people in private offices (point-to-point) or involve several (multi-point) sites in large rooms at multiple locations.

Videoconferencing uses audio and video telecommunications to bring people at different sites together. This can be as simple as a conversation between people in private offices (point-to-point) or involve several (multi-point) sites in large rooms at multiple locations.

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208 questions
3 answers

Make voice and video call through internet with our application?

I want to develop voice and video call through our application users in android like Wechat Application. How can i doing this? I have searched in Google but i didn't get any exact reference or samples. Can anyone explain and give some sample source…
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6 answers

TokBox OpenTok Alternative?

I'd like to offer video chat on my website and was wondering if anyone can recommend an API/service that'll let me do so. I'm familiar with OpenTok, but not happy that it uses Flash. Also, the audio tends to have a lot of noise/feedback - unless you…
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3 answers

Jitsi server hardware requirements on test environment

We are implementing secure videoconferencing/chat using Jitsi. We could not find any hardware requirements for a Jitsi server. Could you please share your thoughts regarding the hardware requirements for a Jitsi server in test as well as production…
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1 answer

is there an API to check if Mac's Microphone or video camera is in use?

Yes, I realize I can just look at the green-light when the video camera is on. That's not the point. I'd like to write a little utility that notices when the mic or video camera is in use. I don't have any interest in knowing what app is using it. I…
Dan Morrow
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1 answer

How to make video call programmatically on Android 2.2 or higher?

I am working on an application where I want to make a video call programmatically. I am using API level 8 for my application. I have Samsung Galaxy S, where I can use video calling functionality. Using intent action ACTION_CALL, I can start voice…
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Rails 4 Video Conferencing Solution / Gem / Integration

I am looking for a video conferencing option for my rails app. I am not looking for what is better or what is best as I know that is opinionated. My needs are specific so I hope there is a specific solution. The video conferencing must be…
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1 answer

OpenTok - How to publish/unpublish manually?

I looked at these links but their are no examples for publishingunpublishing manually, that is,…
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3 answers

Open-source p2p videoconferencing in Flash or Java?

I want to build a community website with videoconferencing functionality integrated. I would prefer to provide this from within the browser, so I'm looking for a Java- or Flash-based solution. Also, it would be nice to spare bandwidth by having the…
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0 answers

Hearing Echo When Using Twilio Video Chat SDK In iOS

Recently create an app for video conference with TWILIO CLIENT IOS. Hearing back the echo every time. Any solution for fixing this issue?
1 answer

building video conferencing with rails webrtc and HTML5

I need to build a video conference feature for my ruby on rails application. I came across a tutorial for html5 that enables you to have access to your camera through the browser. Once the camera is turned on you can see live video camera feed and…
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2 answers

Audio/Video conferencing for iOS, Android & Web Platform

I am working on application where I need to integrate text & video chat and video conferencing feature. I found that you guys provides solutions for that and I am very much interested in using/integrating your platform for my application. I have…
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1 answer

JAVA library for videoconferencing and how to use libjitsi?

In case of a project we need to create a communication in videoconferencing with two PC under Linux. We search a library in JAVA to do this. We found libJitsi base on Jitsi software, witch transmit with XMPP /Jingle. I don't arrive to run their…
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1 answer

How to restrict user to turn on Audio and Video in Jitsi conference call?

I want to restrict certain user to turn on Audio and Video option in Jitsi meet activity. I am able to mute Audio and Video but user can turn them on back. I want to completely restrict them to turn them on. Here is code snippet I…
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0 answers

How can I broadcast a Twilio (group room) video conference?

I have been trying different solutions/approaches for last few days and posting here to get some more options. I am planning to use Twilio's Programmable Video solution with Group room (upto 50 participants) to allow hosts/presenters to join video…
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Multiparty audio in WebRTC on iOS/Android is garbled

I'm trying to figure out what's the best way of doing the following: having a peer connection between parties A and B, I want to add a third party C, but the difficulty is that I don't want a full mesh configuration, B should communicate with C only…
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