Questions tagged [markup]

Markup covers various systems for annotating text with extra information which defines its formatting or appearance. Markup languages include HTML, XML, SGML, and markdown. The markup can typically only be seen when editing a document, not when viewing it.

Markup covers various systems for annotating text with extra information which defines its formatting or appearance. Markup languages include , , , and .

The markup can typically only be seen when editing a document, not when viewing it.

1350 questions
14 answers

How to mark-up phone numbers?

I want to mark up a phone number as callable link in an HTML document. I have read the microformats approach, and I know, that the tel: scheme would be standard, but is quite literally nowhere implemented. Skype defines, as far as I know, skype: and…
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6 answers

Markdown vs markup - are they related?

I'm using markdown to edit this question right now. In some wikis I used wiki markup. Are they the same thing? Are they related? Please explain. If I want to implement one or the other in a web project (like stackoverflow) what do I need to use?
Ron Harlev
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9 answers

Section vs Article HTML5

I have a page made up of various "sections" like videos, a newsfeed etc.. I am a bit confused how to represent these with HTML5. Currently I have them as HTML5
s, but on further inspection it looks they the more correct tag would be…
James Hay
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8 answers

Is there a way to comment out markup in an .ASPX page?

Is there a way to comment out markup in an .ASPX page so that it isn't delivered to the client? I have tried the standard comments but this just gets delivered as a comment and doesn't prevent the control from rendering.
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5 answers

open link in new tab with github markdown using target="_blank"

Is there a way to let a Link, written in githubs markdown, open in a new tab? All posts I have found related to this suggests to use HTML and target="_blank", which is fine with me, but that doesn't work. For example this link:
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1 answer

How do you indent a bulleted list in a README file using GitHub flavored markdown?

I know I can use asterisks to do something like this: list item1 list item2 but I was expecting something like ** to indent it one further. Is it possible?
Alaa Awad
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14 answers

How to make PDF file downloadable in HTML link?

I am giving link of a pdf file on my web page for download, like below Download Brochure The problem is when user clicks on this link then If the user have installed Adobe Acrobat, then it opens the file in the same…
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25 answers

How can HTML5 "replace" Flash?

A topic of debate that's seen a resurgence since the unveiling of the iPad is the issue of Flash versus HTML5. There are those that suggest that HTML5 will one day supplant/replace Adobe Flash. I do not develop software that runs in a browser, so…
Mike Willekes
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22 answers

Table with fixed header and fixed column on pure css

I need to create a html table (or something similar looking) with a fixed header and a fixed first column. Every solution I've seen so far uses Javascript or jQuery to set scrollTop/scrollLeft, but it doesn't work smoothly on mobile browsers, so…
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13 answers

Jade: Links inside a paragraph

I'm trying to author a few paragraphs with Jade, but finding it difficult when there are links inside a paragraph. The best I can come up with, and I'm wondering if there's a way to do it with less markup: p span. this is the start of the…
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17 answers

href overrides ng-click in Angular.js

When both, href and ng-click attributes are defined: Sign out the href attribute takes precedence over ng-click. I am looking for a way to raise priority of ng-click. href is required for Twitter Bootstrap, I…
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2 answers

How to create a nested list in reStructuredText?

I am trying to create a properly nested list using the following code (following Sphinx and docutils docs): 1. X a. U b. V c. W 2. Y 3. Z I expect this to result in two OLs but I get the following output instead:
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7 answers

Working with on

I am not too familiar with the lightweight markup language used by github when updating README files. Where are the resources which I can read up on how to write the appropriate markup syntax for my open source library's README/wiki files? And is…
Calvin Cheng
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8 answers

How to escape < and > inside

I'm trying to write a blog post which includes a code segment inside a
 tag. The code segment includes a generic type and uses <> to define that type. This is what the segment looks like:
    PrimeCalc calc = new PrimeCalc();
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5 answers

Compare and contrast the lightweight markup languages

Please identify the most popular lightweight markup languages and compare their strengths and weaknesses. These languages should be general-purpose markup for technical prose, such as for documentation (for example, Haml doesn't count). See also:…
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