Questions tagged [stylish]

Stylish, Stylus, and similar are multi-browser extensions that allows you to customize web pages by injecting CSS styles.

Warning: Stylish has turned into malware!

Recommend you use one of the many alternate extensions, such as Stylus.

Stylus and Stylish (and others) are multi-browser extensions that customize the appearance of web-pages that you browse.

That is, they let you "Theme" or "Skin" pages you visit by allowing you to overwrite CSS styles. This is especially useful for fixing the horrible font-sizes and low contrast text that many sites inflict upon their users.

For ready-made scripts/themes, see


87 questions
18 answers

Detect if an input has text in it using CSS -- on a page I am visiting and do not control?

Is there a way to detect whether or not an input has text in it via CSS? I've tried using the :empty pseudo-class, and I've tried using [value=""], neither of which worked. I can't seem to find a single solution to this. I imagine this must be…
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2 answers

Unknown @ rule: @-moz-document for Stylish in Firefox 61

I upgraded to Firefox 61 last night and my custom Stylish theme isn't being applied. Looking in Stylish I see the code section has the flags Unknown @ rule: @-moz-document The code is: @namespace url(; @-moz-document…
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4 answers

replace image through css

I'm writing code in Stylish, a firefox plugin, to change the image that is showing up. The image property doesn't have a div tag, so I have to use this: img[src*="s_dschjungelplanet"]{ ########## } So this will replace "s_dschjungelplanet" anywhere…
3 answers

How to override CSS Background that already has !important?

I am trying to override a website's background with Stylish but it isn't working. The background css for the website also has an !important, and it is overriding Stylish. My code: body { background-image: none !important; background: black…
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1 answer

Apply Stylish to all websites but NOT browser

I want to apply a Stylish theme to all inpux boxes, textareas and select boxes, so I wrote: @namespace url(; textarea, input, select { background-color: white !important; color: black !important; } My understanding…
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Specify urls not to affect wih @-moz-document in stylish

With stylish you can specify a domains using @-moz-document url-prefix(http://) for example. This applies to all URLs. Is there a way to specify which URLs you don't want the style to affect? This means you could have a global stylesheet that…
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1 answer

Is it possible to select children sharing the same Css class, without knowing that class ahead?

Context (skip ahead for question): While designing a Stylish theme for the online typing game, Typeracer (in Css), I stumbled on this problem: As the user progresses, the portion of the text already typed turns from gray to green. I would like to…
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5 answers

Is there a way to hide YouTube controls completely while in full screen?

So I'm wondering if there is a way for me to disable the YouTube controls, seekbar, and title (watch later) overlay buttons. I use the YouTube keyboard shortcuts all the time and when I see the top and bottom overlay slide in, it irritates the crap…
sdrtyrty rtyuty
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2 answers

How to view the source of currently displayed html page(dynamically) than the original page?

G'day everybody, As an avid firefox user, I use plugins like stylish and Greasemonkey to modify default styles of pages. However the view->page source option of the browser shows only the page in its original form and not the current…
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1 answer

How to change Google search suggestions font color?

I'm looking for some help with the .css coding, I'd like to change the Google search, drop down list results font color from purple to white as you can see on the screenshot below: The purple color is hardly readable, the words I've written before…
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1 answer

how to override @media (max-width) using stylish

Intro this is similar to this question but unfortunately the answer only applies to greasmonkey (which only works on firefox). Further, this was asked on the stylish forum but the answer was ambiguous. Question I want to remove the left column in…
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3 answers

How to force an image's alt text to display instead of the image?

There is a website whose text I am interested in reading, however the images that accompany it may have content which I'd prefer not to see. I'm trying to use the Firefox extension Stylish to add a rule for that website. The following CSS rules work…
George T
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How to replace @media (max-width) using Stylish or Greasemonkey?

I'm having a problem viewing this website on my desktop browser. They have a responsive/fluid design that shows a mobile menu button instead of a horizontal nav-bar when the browser width is less than 990px. Since I'm using Firefox with 125% zoom,…
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CSS covering content inside internal html-tag

I'm currently making a custom CSS for a forum (, but I've been struggling with a certain part of the page. The editor in the IPBoard-forum is a html-tag inside the original html-tag, and my CSS set through the extension Stylish doesn't…
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3 answers

Can I use CSS to override the disabling of autocomplete for a form, if so, how?

I am trying to use the chrome extension Stylish to reenable autocomplete on forms that have it disabled. Specifically, the form has it disabled by specifying autocomplete="off" and I want it re-enabled. I tried using this: form { autocomplete:…
Trampas Kirk
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